In the instructions there is no mention of elastic search anywhere. In the AIO deployment, you can see it running. But in the clustered deployment, there is no step or script that deploys elasctisarch.
I would of course run elasticsearch in at least two different nodes, but I do not even see any reference to it in system.ini or in the ans file.
You can deploy the kaltura-elasticsearch package on the same nodes as you do Sphinx (that’s not a strict rule, however; ES can be deployed on any node, providing that it has the needed network and FS access). Please note that you should set it up such that the ES nodes are members of a cluster (for redundancy purposes) and that ES is very resource consuming so you must ensure the nodes in question have enough CPU and RAM resources.
But for some reason the installation script does not find it. ???
May this be related?
/etc/kaltura.d/system.ini: broken symbolic link to `/opt/kaltura/app/configurations/system.ini'```
The rest of the scripts seem to be working on its own but this one seems to asssume that something s has happened before, so it needs some extra feeding.
Install kaltura base beforehand maybe?
OK so after deploying first kaltura-base, we go further:
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* extras:
* updates:
Package 1:java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless- already installed and latest version
Nothing to do
Restarting elasticsearch (via systemctl): [ OK ]
-> Downloading analysis-icu from elastic
[=================================================] 100%
-> Installed analysis-icu
We've waited a minute and the ES daemon is still unreachable, we're giving up:(
The ES not going up is something I have also seen in the AIO, it needs you to go and start it manually.