Responsive player / embed


I use the integration embed dynamic but the player is not responsive .
How to do ?

Example :




How to configure it in KMC ?


It’s not about configuring the player in KMC, it is about the embed code you use on your own site. You should make sure you embed your player the same way as in the example.

It’s not possible to change directly dynamic embed integration from KMC or admin_console ?

for example my dynamic embed :
<script src=""></script> <div id="kaltura_player_1451664158" style="width: 640px; height: 360px;"></div> <script> kWidget.embed({ "targetId": "kaltura_player_1451664158", "wid": "_101", "uiconf_id": 23448187, "flashvars": { "streamerType": "auto" }, "cache_st": 1451664158, "entry_id": "0_fw3iaji3" }); </script>

The default player holder DIV dimensions generated by the KMC correspond to the player width and height. You will need to change these values to percentage in order to achieve a responsive behaviour.


hi @amir_chervinsky1
The sampel given by Jess breaks on playlist player (because the header and chapters has fixed size).
I tried to modify the link code with something like:
“div id=“dummy” style=“margin-top: calc(56.25%; + 113px)”>div>” (for horizantal playlist)
but for some reason it breaks on iphone
Any better idea?

So for every video I would like to embed, I would have to customize the embed code to achieve a responsive player?

yes, since kaltura KMC/Studio don’t have the option to configure a responsive (re)size for video player, you have to modify the embed code for each embedded player.

I am trying to replicate the demo on my server. I pasted in the code taken from the source on this page:

and all I see is a black border and no video inside. What am I missing here? How does the embed code know which server to connect to?


Please share the embed code so I can look at it and help you.


Thank you so much for your reply. I am trying to understand how this embed code finds my video server?

