Player playlist: responsive or resize medialistContainer

Hi, I created a video player playlist, in particular with vertical playlist in the right side.

In my application I modified the embedding code of the player, in order to obtain a responsive video player, following this sample:

Unfortunately the medialistContainer will appears always with a fixed width (320px) and only the video player on the left change the size in relation of the size of the viewport. See the followinf mockup:

I read this post about the template and the css customization:

and I checked the mentioned example:

This example works fine to change the layout of the internal components of the playlist container, but I can’t find any class or html tag, in order to change the size of the playlist div container.
Basically I’d like to resize in ordert to scale it as recommended in RWD, but also a smaller fixed size will be acceptable. Finally it will be optimal downsize the height of the dropdown menu, removing the playlist video number
(eg: 200px, see this mockup: )

Has anyone found a solution to this?

thanks in advance.

Good question, just ran into it too. Is there a way to make the medialist responsive too?

I guess so, basically it depends from the mwEmbed, but using a RWD I can see the videoplayer that do resize according with the size of the viewport, so I’m confident that it could be the first step to make the medialist responsive. I’m sure I have also change the custom css and maybe also custom template for the vertical medialist.


Can you please look at Responsive player / embed?

Hi @jess,

the post that you mentioned reports this link but also this page is not useful to change the width of the medialistContainer.

To configure a different width size I found this UIvariable:

It is possibile configure the variable in KMC/Universal Studio and it seems accept integer for fixed size, or percentage (eg: 35%) for using in RWD.

It seems to work fine in my environment.

Excuse me sir, but it seems that you know some knowledge about video compression, right . I have a question and I want to ask, may I?. Recently I purchased this DVD compressing software to compress my DVD video into mp4 . The whole conversion process was fine but the output mp4 video contained no audio sound only video images. I changed my DVD disc and tried again and again, still no sound. I want to know whether that was caused by the so called 10x acceleration? Do you have any ideas?