We have two Kaltura system.
One system is an all-in-one server, the Kaltrua 16.5.0.
Another system is a cluster, the Kaltura 14.18.0.
Since January 1, 2021, analytics (kaltura-dwh) had stopped working on either system.
Bandwidth usage was updated, but playback count was not.
At first, we examined tables in “kalturadw” database.
In “dwh_fact_plays” and “dwh_fact_bandwidth_usage” tables, new records were inserted according to statistics data.
But, event data was not insert into “dwh_fact_events” table.
So that, playback counts of each media entry was not updated even if “dwh_plays_views_sync.sh” was executed.
Next, we examined KTR files in “/opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource” directory, and modified the following files:
After the file changes, playback counts of each media is updated normally.
I show you how to solve this problem in the Kaltura 16.5.0 (kaltura-dwh-15.1.0-1).
# diff /opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/events/process/process_file.ktr.org /opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/events/process/process_file.ktr.new
< else if ( year(eventTime)>2020 ) // validate event time is less than 2020
> /*else if ( year(eventTime)>2020 ) // validate event time is less than 2020
< }
> }*/
# diff /opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/fms_streaming/process/load_fms_events.ktr.org /opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/fms_streaming/process/load_fms_events.ktr.new
< else if ( year(event_time)>2020 ) // validate event time is less than 2020
> /*else if ( year(event_time)>2020 ) // validate event time is less than 2020
< }
> }*/