VPAID with HTML5 library v2.48.3

I have an html5 player which tries to play a VPAID ad.
I created a player using v.2.48.3 library, and the player doesnt seem to “fire” the ad (I dont see any call to it in the chrome dev console)
However If I degrade the same player to v2.39 (using the xml editor in Admin console), I do the ad being requested.

Quite Urgent!!

This page with v2.48.3 library: http://digitalcontent.tv/dev/pub-cler.html

This page with v2.39 library: http://digitalcontent.tv/dev/pub-cler-39.html
@amir_chervinsky, any hints?

Hi @oferc1,
I’m no longer working in the Kaltura player project.
You can try and contact @oren_melamed for player related questions.

Seems that the VPAID support is not working as it should in 2.48.3 - this should be checked by the player team.

Did you try using the doubleClick plugin instead of the VAST plugin? You can put your VPAID URL in the adTagUrl property of the doubleClick plugin and it should work.


Will it work VAST/VPAID, or just VPAID?

@amir_chervinsky @oren_melamed
The solution I found:
v2.48 DOES NOT work with VPAID, however v2.47.2 does.
Since I need the fix for ios10 play that was inserted in v2.48, I used v2.47.2 and patched it with this specific fix (FEC-6004)

Hi @oferc1 , in your experience 2.48 doesn’t work with any type of VPAID 1.0/2.0 and or Flash/JS ?

Hi @amletoguerra
I didn’t do a research about that :slight_smile:
I know it just didnt work for my needs.