Is the playkit bundler running? Assuming that it is (if not, need to start it), please check its logs for errors.
Also, what does the UI conf object for ID 23448175 look like (you can check with a direct select from the ui_conf table or by calling uiconf.get())?
The fact that /opt/kaltura/web/content/generatedUiConf/23/448/ui_conf_23448175__182.xml doesn’t exist, while confusing without a doubt, does not yet indicate there’s a problem. In fact, the file on disk should be called /opt/kaltura/web/content/generatedUiConf/23/448/ui_conf_23448175__182.config.xml and it’s not an XML but a JSON (yes, again, confusing).
Try: # ls -al /opt/kaltura/web/content/generatedUiConf/23/448/ui_conf_23448175*
Next, is the bundler running?
# /etc/init.d/kaltura-playkit-bundler status
If not, what happens when you start it? and what do you see under /opt/kaltura/playkit-js-bundle-builder/log/?
Try rerunning the kaltura-playkit-bundler%post hook (rpm -q kaltura-playkit-bundler --scripts to see it).
Run each command manually and make sure all succeed.