Updating from 9.18 to 11.4 errors

Hello, trying to update our Kaltura today and running the yum update “kaltura” command here has caused some issues. https://github.com/kaltura/platform-install-packages/blob/master/doc/install-kaltura-redhat-based.md#upgrade-kaltura

I’m parsing through the errors that came up to see if you guys have any insights. It seems like none of it is working for me anymore. trying to go to the admin console leads me to a “Not found” error.

`Updating : kaltura-base-11.14.0-8.noarch 18/65
Shutting down monit: [ OK ]
httpd (pid 1424) is running…
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
warning: /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/base.ini saved as /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/base.ini.rpmsave
Starting ntpd:
Regenarating client libs… this will take up to 2 minutes to complete.
httpd is stopped
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Service [schedule_scheduleevent] not found’ in /opt/kaltura/app/api_v3/lib/ClientGeneratorFromPhp.php:597
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/generator/generate.php(214): ClientGeneratorFromPhp->setIncludeOrExcludeList(‘session.start, …’, NULL, NULL)
#1 {main}
thrown in /opt/kaltura/app/api_v3/lib/ClientGeneratorFromPhp.php on line 597
Starting monit: Starting Monit 5.13 daemon with http interface at [*]:2812
[ OK ]
httpd is stopped
Starting httpd: [ OK ]
Updating : kaltura-kmc-v5.40.2-1.noarch 19/65
Updating : kaltura-sphinx-2.2.1-17.x86_64 20/65
Stopping searchd: [Thu Jun 2 21:33:39.778 2016] [ 6021] using config file ‘/opt/kaltura/app/configurations/sphinx/kaltura.conf’…
[Thu Jun 2 21:33:39.796 2016] [ 6021] stop: successfully sent SIGTERM to pid 907
Sphinx 2.2.1-id64-dev (r4097)
Copyright © 2001-2013, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright © 2008-2013, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com)

Starting searchd: [Thu Jun 2 21:33:50.355 2016] [ 6066] using config file ‘/opt/kaltura/app/configurations/sphinx/kaltura.conf’…
Sphinx 2.2.1-id64-dev (r4097)
Copyright © 2001-2013, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright © 2008-2013, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com)

FATAL: failed to lock pid file ‘/opt/kaltura/sphinx/searchd.pid’: Resource temporarily unavailable (searchd already running?)
Sphinx 2.2.1-id64-dev (r4097)
Copyright © 2001-2013, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright © 2008-2013, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com)

Sphinx 2.2.1-id64-dev (r4097)
Copyright © 2001-2013, Andrew Aksyonoff
Copyright © 2008-2013, Sphinx Technologies Inc (http://sphinxsearch.com)

Thu Jun 2 21:33:50 EDT 2016
Shutting down:
Service populate isn’t currently running.
Service populate isn’t running but stale lock file exists
Removing stale lock file at /opt/kaltura/log/populate.pid
/usr/bin/php populateFromLog.php >> /opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_populate.log 2>&1 &
[ OK ]
Updating : 1:kaltura-clipapp-1.3-2.noarch 21/65
Updating : 1:kaltura-kdp3-v3.9.9-2.noarch 22/65
Updating : kaltura-widgets-1.0.0-8.noarch 23/65
Updating : kaltura-html5lib-v2.43-1.noarch 24/65
Installing : enca-1.13-1.el6.x86_64 25/65
Installing : libass-0.10.0-1.el6.x86_64 26/65
Updating : kaltura-ffmpeg-2.7.2-2.x86_64 27/65
Updating : kaltura-ffmpeg-aux-2.1.3-1.x86_64 28/65
Updating : kaltura-segmenter-1.0-2.x86_64 29/65
Updating : kaltura-front-11.14.0-1.noarch 30/65
Stopping httpd: [ OK ]
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Updating : kaltura-batch-11.14.0-1.noarch 31/65
warning: /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/batch/batch.ini.template saved as /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/batch/batch.ini.template.rpmsave
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
Updating : kaltura-pentaho-4.2.1-2.x86_64 32/65
Updating : kaltura-dwh-11.3.0-1.noarch 33/65
Updating : kaltura-server-11.14.0-1.noarch 34/65
Updating : php-devel-5.3.3-47.el6.x86_64 35/65
Updating : php-imap-5.3.3-47.el6.x86_64 36/65
Cleanup : kaltura-server-9.18.0-1.noarch 37/65
Cleanup : kaltura-front-9.18.0-1.noarch 38/65
Cleanup : kaltura-batch-9.18.0-1.noarch 39/65
Non-fatal POSTUN scriptlet failure in rpm package kaltura-batch
Cleanup : kaltura-dwh-9.4.0-2.noarch 40/65
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
warning: %postun(kaltura-batch-9.18.0-1.noarch) scriptlet failed, exit status 1
Cleanup : kaltura-widgets-1.0.0-7.noarch 41/65`

then it finished with cleanup and verification.
It kept going with it for a bit more, came across some other suspicious looking logs here:

`Checking MySQL version…
Ver 5.1.73 found compatible
sed: couldn’t open temporary file /etc/sedhtkddA: Permission denied

kaltura-base-config.sh FAILED with: 6997 on line 332

Archving logs to /opt/kaltura/log/log_02_06_16_21_43.tar.gz…
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/clear_cache.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/cron.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/deploy_v2.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/generate.php.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/insertContent.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/insertDefaults.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/insertPermissions.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/installPlugins.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kalt_up.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_admin.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_apache_access.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_apache_errors.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_api_v3_analytics.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_api_v3.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_api_v3_tests.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_batch.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_deploy.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_populate.log’: Permission denied
cp: cannot create regular file /tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_prod.log': Permission denied cp: cannot create regular file/tmp/tmpdir_kaltura/kaltura_scripts.log’: Permission denied
tar: *log: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
tar (child): /opt/kaltura/log/log_02_06_16_21_43.tar.gz: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
ERROR: /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-base-config.sh failed:( You can re-run it when the issue is fixed.
[ec2-user@dev-freq-cms ~]$ sudo /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-config-all.sh
Running base config…

Welcome to Kaltura Server 11.14.0 post install setup.

To keep up with the bi-weekly Kaltura releases, and stay up to date with
the latest news, security and bug updates, and connect with the global
Kaltura community - sign up for our regular Kaltura Community updates.
Please enter your email to sign up, or enter NO to pass.

In order to finalize the system configuration, please input the following:

CDN hostname [dev-freq-cms.freq.us]:

The host will be accessed over http(s). In case your CDN operates on a non-default port, please input CDNHOST:PORT.

Apache virtual hostname [dev-freq-cms.freq.us]
(Must be accessible from both inside the machine and from any clients / browsers that will use Kaltura):

Vhost port to listen on [80]:
range of ip addresses belonging to internal kaltura servers []:
The range is used when checking service actions permissions and allowing to access certain services without KS from the internal servers.
The default is only good for testing, on a production ENV you should adjust according to your network.

DB port [3306]:
MySQL super user [only for install, default root]:
Analytics DB hostname []:
Analytics DB port [3306]:
Sphinx hostname []:
Secondary Sphinx hostname [leave empty if none]:
Your Kaltura Service URL [http://dev-freq-cms.freq.us]
(Base URL where the Kaltura API and Apps will be accessed from - this would be your Load Balancer URL on a cluster or same as your virtual host in an all-in-one Kaltura server - Must be accessible from both inside the machine and from any clients / browsers that will use Kaltura):

VOD packager hostname [dev-freq-cms.freq.us]:
VOD packager port to listen on [88]:
Admin user login password (must be minimum 8 chars and include at least one of each: upper-case, lower-case, number and a special character):
Confirm passwd:
Your time zone [see http://php.net/date.timezone], or press enter for [America/New_York]: America/Los_Angeles
Your Kaltura install name (this name will show as the From field in emails sent by the system) [Kaltura Video Platform]:
Your website Contact Us URL [http://corp.kaltura.com/company/contact-us]:
Your ‘Contact us’ phone number [+1 800 871 5224]:
Checking MySQL version…
Ver 5.1.73 found compatible

Kaltura install answer file written to /tmp/kaltura_02_06_21_44.ans - Please save it!
This answers file can be used to silently-install re-install this machine or deploy other hosts in your cluster.

Generating client libs…
This can take a few minutes to complete, see log at /opt/kaltura/log/generate.php.log.

    Configuration of 11.14.0 finished successfully!

Running FrontEnd config…

base-config completed successfully, if you ever want to re-configure your system (e.g. change DB hostname) run the following script:

rm /opt/kaltura/app/base-config.lock


Is your Apache working with SSL?[Y/n]
It is recommended that you do work using HTTPs. Would you like to continue anyway?[N/y]
Which port will this Vhost listen on? [80]

Please select one of the following options [0]:
0. All web interfaces

  1. Kaltura Management Console [KMC], Hosted Apps, HTML5 lib and ClipApp
  2. KAC - Kaltura Admin Console
    Enabling Apache config - apps.conf
    Enabling Apache config - var.conf

Kaltura install answer file written to /tmp/kaltura_02_06_21_45.ans - Please save it!
This answers file can be used to silently-install re-install this machine or deploy other hosts in your cluster.

Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: (98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs

kaltura-front-config.sh FAILED with: 9629 on line 290

Archving logs to /opt/kaltura/log/log_02_06_16_21_45.tar.gz…
ERROR: /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-front-config.sh failed:( You can re-run it when the issue is fixed.`


First issue seems to be a failure to stop and restart Apache.
Start by checking why.
First, kill all current httpd procs with:
# killall -9 httpd
then try to start it:
# service httpd start
# service httpd status
if still not running, check the log to see why, relevant logs /var/log/httpd/error_log and /opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_apache_errors.log

I am also seeing a lot of “Permission denied” which should never happen if you’re running this as root, did you perhaps run it with a none privileged user?

Seems to be running…

[root@ip-10-0-0-199 log]# service httpd start
Starting httpd:
[root@ip-10-0-0-199 log]# service httpd status
httpd (pid 25625) is running…

I believe I ran the update with sudo, would that have caused issues?

I appear to be getting error #`1010 when I try logging into KMC. And I just get a whitescreen when I try to login to the admin console, but both do bring up the login screen, at least.

The yum update command must have run as a super user, because otherwise it would have failed to update.
I am asking whether or not you ran the kaltura-config-all.sh as a super user. From the output, it seems you have no since root can write anywhere in the FS, even if the file is 000. Can you please try to run it again, making sure you are either root or using a user that is a full sudoer and calling it with sudo and repaste the output?


Have you got this error cleared?
What has caused the problem?

I am encountering the same error.
