Unable to play the video in ios app using custom player on Kaltura console

Hi ,
I am not able to play the video using custom player in my ios app. I am able to play by using default player only.

Configuration details are given below.

“entryID”: “1_20jthag8”,
“partnerID”: “2232581”,
“uiconfigID”: “37774891”

initialisation code is given below.

self.config = KPViewControllerSharedClass.sharedInstance.configureWithLocalName(localeName: mediaObj.name!, entryId: mediaObj.entryID!, uiconfId: mediaObj.uiconfigID!, partnerId: mediaObj.partnerID!)

    self.config.addKey("EmbedPlayer.NativeControls", withValue: "true")
    self.config.addKey("autoPlay", withValue: "true")
    self.config.addKey("largePlayBtn.plugin", withValue: "false")
    self.playerViewController = KPViewControllerSharedClass.playerWithConfigure(config: config!)