I have a kaltura server version 13.14
The storage is s3 and the content is exported and deleted from my main server.
When trying to play the content I see the player first send this url:
And gets back a manifest with this content: #EXTM3U
A call to each if these urls yeilds 404
What is this /i url, is it ok, what should I look for?
@jess This is 13.14 so the config is a bit different (I tried to make some modification according to the link)
user kaltura;
worker_processes auto;
pid /var/run/nginx.pid;
events {
worker_connections 1024;
multi_accept on;
use epoll;
Have you checked the Nginx error log? If you can’t determine the cause after doing so, I suggest you check the request going out to the upstream [CF] to understand why and how it fails.
You can use tcpdump for that purpose, or, alternatively, install the kaltura-nginx-debug and kaltura-nginx-debuginfo packages from the 13.19.0 repo, then modify /etc/nginx/nginx.conf so that:
I see these 2 messages in the log:
2018/05/04 13:59:18 [warn] 7059#7059: audio_encoder_process_init: failed to get AAC encoder, audio encoding is disabled. recompile libavcodec with libfdk_aac to enable it
2018/05/04 13:59:39 [info] 7057#7057: *1 client timed out (110: Connection timed out) while waiting for request, client:, server:
I’m confused. Are you now working in “remote” mode directly against AWS CF or are you trying to get the flavours from your Kaltura storage, i.e: “mapped” mode?
If the former, follow the configuration in the doc I referred you to. It was tested and should work correctly, assuming the CF endpoint your provided is valid and publicly accessible [as stated in the doc, you could add token configuration if need be but it’s covered in it]. If the later, then just re-run the kaltura-nginx-config.sh script. It auto configures everything and no manual changes should be necessary.
I’m trying to get it from CF. And I’m working with the doc you send.
I’m saying the I see in the browser this url:
I never saw a /i/ format, so i’m validating the issue is with the nginx and not somewhere else.
Is {server} the CF endpoint? As for the rest of the URI, it would depend on the FS structure you set up for the volume.
Does http://{server}/i/20180501/0/0_8e7quar6_0_bh20g2yb_2.mp4 actually exist?
What’s the path for the entry’s flavours under /opt/kaltura/web?
no. it doesnt exist.
what I’m trying to understand is, is /i/ a valid kaltura predefined path (like /hls, /mms, etc,) or a caused by mal configuration I created.
From you response I get it is not something you know, so I guess it is some wrong configuration I did somwhere
I figured it our, I was using the wrong Delivery profile for HLS.
So now it is basically working.
However I have another question.
I configured a CF on top of the vod nginx, (so after first time content should come from CF not nginx)
However the nginx itself is sitting under ELB (so I have CF -> ELB > nginx)
What happens is that the main index indeed returns urls that points to the CF, but all the sub indexes returns a url that points to the ELB and not to the CF.
Instead of
http://{stream CF}/hls/kaltura/content/entry/data/0/0/0_lai8bdd1_0_s7ar21ea_2.mp4/seg-1-v1-a1.ts
Any idea?
Ok, Found vod_segments_base_url, that did the trick