Selectively Disable Video Downloads by Canvas Course

The issue we’re running into is that we want to allow students to download some videos but not others based on the Canvas course. In other words, videos for Course A should be able to be freely downloaded and watched later, but for Course B, the user must watch them in Canvas.

Currently, our workflow is: The video is uploaded to Kaltura and placed in a category / Canvas course Media Gallery. Then an instructional designer goes into the course in Canvas and uses the Embed Kaltura Media external tool to embed the video in the correct module page.

We have the downloading plugin enabled for our player in the Canvas KAF, but that is a global option and applies to all videos in all courses. Turning off downloads globally isn’t an option for us.

Our rep recommended choosing a non-download-enabled player and grabbing the embed code from the KMC, but I don’t want to make our instructional designers find the video in Kaltura, choose the player, copy, paste, etc. Ideally, the solution doesn’t require them to leave Canvas or create an extra step on their part.

Are there any ideas for making this happen? Any other tricks or workarounds I might not have though of? Any help is appreciated.