I am trying to figure out how to query for Quizzes using the API to determine how many quizzes have been created and their entryID. I don’t see a mediaType (media.list) specifically for quizzes. I can pull up the media list but how would I drill down just for quizzes? I can’t filter for “Quiz” in the title because what if the creator of the quiz doesn’t use Quiz in their title. I am using Python3 for development.
If you’re looking for details about all quiz entries using the Kaltura API, quiz, action: list will show the number of quizzes, but not many details about each entry. An alternative is to use service: media, action: list with KalturaMediaEntryFilter’s advancedSearch set to KalturaQuizAdvancedFilter: isQuiz = TRUE_VALUE. That gets media details only for quiz entries.