I am getting a ton of these errors in kaltlog
PHP Fatal error: Class ‘KalturaEntryServerNodeFilter’ not found in /opt/kaltura/app/batch/batches/ValidateLiveMediaServers/KAsyncValidateLiveMediaServers.class.php
August 9, 2016, 2:02pm
I suggest you start by upgrading to the latest stable, following instructions here:
# Installing Kaltura on a Single Server (RPM)
This guide describes RPM installation of an all-in-one Kaltura server and applies to all major RH based Linux distros including Fedora Core, RHEL, CentOS, etc.
([Note the supported distros and versions](http://kaltura.github.io/platform-install-packages/#supported-distros)).
[Kaltura Inc.](http://corp.kaltura.com) also provides commercial solutions and services including pro-active platform monitoring, applications, SLA, 24/7 support and professional services. If you're looking for a commercially supported video platform with integrations to commercial encoders, streaming servers, eCDN, DRM and more - Start a [Free Trial of the Kaltura.com Hosted Platform](http://corp.kaltura.com/free-trial) or learn more about [Kaltura' Commercial OnPrem Edition™](http://corp.kaltura.com/Deployment-Options/Kaltura-On-Prem-Edition). For existing RPM based users, Kaltura offers commercial upgrade options.
#### Table of Contents
[Pre-Install Steps](install-kaltura-redhat-based.md#pre-install-steps)
[Non-SSL Step-by-step Installation](install-kaltura-redhat-based.md#non-ssl-step-by-step-installation)
[Apache SSL Step-by-step Installation](install-kaltura-redhat-based.md#apache-ssl-step-by-step-installation)
[Nginx SSL Configuration](nginx-ssl-config.md)
[Unattended Installation](install-kaltura-redhat-based.md#unattended-installation)
[Live Streaming with Nginx and the RTMP module](install-kaltura-redhat-based.md#live-streaming-with-nginx-and-the-rtmp-module)
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or, for deb packages:
# Installing Kaltura on a Single Server (deb)
This guide describes deb installation of an all-in-one Kaltura server and applies to deb based Linux distros.
The processes was tested on Debian 8 and Ubuntu 14.04 but is expected to work on other versions.
*When installing on Ubuntu Xenial [16.04], please refer to [this howto](install-kaltura-xenial.md) instead.*
If you tried a different deb based distro and failed, please report it.
[Kaltura Inc.](http://corp.kaltura.com) also provides commercial solutions and services including pro-active platform monitoring, applications, SLA, 24/7 support and professional services. If you're looking for a commercially supported video platform with integrations to commercial encoders, streaming servers, eCDN, DRM and more - Start a [Free Trial of the Kaltura.com Hosted Platform](http://corp.kaltura.com/free-trial) or learn more about [Kaltura' Commercial OnPrem Edition™](http://corp.kaltura.com/Deployment-Options/Kaltura-On-Prem-Edition). Please note that this service in only offered for RHEL based distros.
#### Table of Contents
[Step-by-step Installation](install-kaltura-deb-based.md#step-by-step-installation)
[Unattended Installation](install-kaltura-deb-based.md#unattended-installation)
[Nginx SSL Configuration](nginx-ssl-config.md)
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If, after doing so, you are still having issues, please specify the exact version you are using, the Linux distro and the full trace from the log as well as which log file you see it in and I’ll be glad to help you further.