MetadataListService - must filter on object iD

Hello all,

I just upgraded to 14.10 and some of my code in a client application (c#) is throwing an exception. I am trying to list metadata and I get an exception that I must filter by objectid.

This wasn’t a problem before the upgrade, so I’m trying to figure out what might have changed…

Here is a code snippet

Client client;
        client = InitClient();
        client.ClientTag = "CacheMetadata";
        MetadataFilter metafilter = new MetadataFilter();
        FilterPager pager = new FilterPager();
        pager.PageSize = 500;
        bool done = false;
        List<Metadata> resultsTemp = new List<Metadata>();
        List<Metadata> results = new List<Metadata>();
        int metadataCount = 0;
        OnCompletedHandler<ListResponse<Metadata>> metahandler = new OnCompletedHandler<ListResponse<Metadata>>(
        (ListResponse<Metadata> result, Exception e) =>
            metadataCount = result.TotalCount;
            resultsTemp = (List<Metadata>)result.Objects;
            done = true;


        metafilter.MetadataObjectTypeEqual = MetadataObjectType.ENTRY;
        metafilter.StatusEqual = MetadataStatus.VALID;
        metafilter.MetadataProfileIdEqual = _kalturaMetadataProfileID;
        MetadataListRequestBuilder metarequest = new MetadataListRequestBuilder(metafilter,pager);
        Logging.DebugTrace("Calling client execute for metadata.", EventIDs.KalturaAPICall, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information);

        while (!done) { Thread.Sleep(1); };
        done = false;

        Logging.DebugTrace("Retrieved metadata count from Kaltura. " + metadataCount.ToString() + " metadata items exist", EventIDs.KalturaAPICall, System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType.Information);

I’ve tried updating my client library, but I think there is a bug in the latest C# library that prevent compiling. I can post about that later.

Thanks for any help

So, studying some recent commits to the code base, it seems some configuration option was added that may or may not be related here. It is named “metadata_list_without_object_filtering_partners”.

Studying the code, it seems I may be able to set a parameter for partners that would allow metadata listing without filtering by objectID. I’m now looking for where this parameter might be set. Any ideas @jess ?

Referencing this commit specifically.

In case someone else runs into this.

If you find that the MedataListService is requiring and objectid filter and you want to actually use the service to get a list of metadata objects, here is what you need to do.

Add a section to the end your local.ini file on each front end server that is similar to this:

103 = 1

Where 103 is the partner that will be allowed to query without an objectID parameter. 1 signifies that they can query objects of type ENTRY.

This will likely be wiped out when you do an upgrade of your on-prem CE, so you’ll have to remember to replace it.

If you don’t want to specify a type, you can leave the second line of my example like:

103 = 

Again, where 103 is your publisher.

If you have multiple publishers, just add more lines in that section. If you have multiple types, separate them with a comma.