Making PlayList

i am making a mobile app for streaming. script below help me to load video and play it then i am loading it in my app, Now i am looking a way for making a playlist

    <div id="myEmbedTarget" style="width:400px;height:330px;"></div>
    <!-- Substitute {partnerId} for your Kaltura partner id, {uiConfId} for an actual player id, also known as the uiconf id and {entryId} for an actual entry id. -->
    <script src=""></script>
                      'targetId': 'myEmbedTarget',
                      'wid': '_102',
                      'uiconf_id' : '23448125',
                       'entry_id' : '0_kn2zb0gg',
                      'flashvars':{ // flashvars allows you to set runtime uiVar configuration overrides.
                      'autoPlay': true,
                      'LeadWithHLSOnFlash': true,
                      'Kaltura.LeadHLSOnAndroid': true
                      'params':{ // params allows you to set flash embed params such as wmode, allowFullScreen etc  0_s1i9ck1l   0_t8yzoyud
                      'wmode': 'transparent'

Hi @EphremYems,

On the player’s end, see:

On the server side, you can create a playlist from KMC->Content->Playlist. We support both manual and auto generated, rule based playlists.

Of course, the API can also be used directly to create these playlists, for that, see: