Live HTML5 Kaltura player in Desktop uses flash components


I don’t understand why the live events played in a HTML5 Kaltura player on a desktop computer has to use Flash components like kdp3.swf or kalturaHLSPluguin.swf.

Are any possibility to view live events in the Kaltura player in a desktop browser without Flash like Youtube live.

Really it is hard to understand to use HTML5 player and you require flash installed in your browser for the live.

(I’m using the SaaS edition)




Please upgrade your player to v2.48.1. This version was pushed to production today and no longer requires any SWF plugins in order to work. HLS is now achieved using a pure JS implementation.



I’ve tested the last release of the player, 2.48.1, with a live stream and it works without SWF plugins! Great news! Thanks you so much for let us know.


Hi Jess,
Is there any special flag I should/shouldn’t use with that?
I use 2.48.3 and still see the swf loads.


Hi Ofer,

From 2.48 onwards, it should not load any SWFs anymore, by default, HLS.JS should be used.
Do you have any UI vars/Flash vars set up for this UI conf [11601425]?
What happens if you create a new player from Studio?