We have used the kWidget to embed the Kaltura player into our website. Our website is viewed both on desktop and mobile devices by our clients. However whilst the player works perfectly for Desktops it appears to “buffer” on mobile devices.
On closer inspection though we think there is a problem with the player and that it is not a buffering issue as reported by our clients. If the video in question is left to autoplay, the loading icon continues to be displayed forever without actually triggering the player to play. If we have chapters and select chapter 1 we get the same issue, a continuous loading icon.
However if we open the player, click any other chapter other than the first and then immediately click chapter 1 again the video plays instantly. This would seem to suggest that some sort of play event is not being initiated at video start and is only fired once we go beyond the first part of the video.
Our widget is currently set with these options:
"targetId": "video-window",
"wid": "_" + mydata.pid,
"uiconf_id": mydata.uid,
"entry_id": eid,
"flashvars": { 'streamerType': 'auto', 'leadWithHTML5': true, 'sideBarContainer.plugin': true, 'sideBarContainer.postition': 'left', 'sideBarContainer.clickToClose': true, 'chapters.plugin': true, 'chapters.layout': 'vertical', 'chapters.thumbnailRotator': false, 'streamSelector.plugin': true, 'EmbedPlayer.SpinnerTarget': 'videoHolder', 'dualScreen.plugin': true },
'readyCallback': function (playerId) {
// AutoPlay: issue a play on mediaReady
var kdp = document.getElementById(playerId);
kdp.kBind('mediaReady', function () {
Can anyone tell me if this is a common issue or whether we have missed a trick?