Met with server internal error dialog when logging into KMC and click Analytics Tab, and extracted detailed log, any hints what is wrong? And what to check next step? Thanks.
2015-06-24 15:45:35 [0.001585] [::1] [991771667] [API] [KalturaFrontController->errorHandler] WARN: /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/reports/myReportsMgr.class.php line 1309 - mysqli_error() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, boolean given
2015-06-24 15:45:35 [0.000160] [::1] [991771667] [API] [kCoreException->__construct] ERR: exception ‘kCoreException’ with message ‘Can’t use foo : ’ in /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/reports/myReportsMgr.class.php:1309
Stack trace: #0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/reports/myReportsMgr.class.php(869): myReportsMgr::executeQuery(’/* Plays | Uni…’)
Are you using an alt port to connect to the DB?
Try adding:
to /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/reports/myReportsMgr.class.php
right after:
$link = $connect_function( $host , $db_config[“user”] , $db_config[“password”] , null, $db_config[“port”] );
which should be line 1306.
Then make the request and look at /tmp/db_conn.log
and make sure this connection works from the shell first, if not, need to see why not.
I also experienced same problem. In my case, the problem is in Kaltura DB config, in these files:
Make sure all database name, user, and passwd correct on those three files. Because each time you launch kaltura-***, these configuration files might be changed by the bash script.
Good catch! You mentioned “database name, user, and passwd correct on those three files”, would mind to tell more what means correct? Any way to test settings on each of the 3 individual files to see if they are correct?
Thanks for referring the similar problem to me. Is the problem you referred to me fully resolved by editing
It seems there are still open issues like,
Caused by: org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleXMLException:
Unable to read file [file:///root/${EtlBasePath}/common/seize_lock_by_name.ktr]
Could not read from "file:///root/${EtlBasePath}/common/seize_lock_by_name.ktr" because it is a not a file.
It depends on your database setup. In my install, I use same user and password for all kaltura database to make it easier. Using root user I add “grant all” credentials to all Kaltura DB with same username and pass.
Here are kaltura db name in my server, I think there should be same db name on yours:
| kaltura |
| kaltura_sphinx_log |
| kalturadw |
| kalturadw_bisources |
| kalturadw_ds |
| kalturalog |
Make sure the db entries are matched with your mysql database setup. If not, then you will likely get the “can not use foo” error.
There are also db setting in other files: system.ini and local.ini.
The foo error just indicates there was a problem connecting to the DB.
I have a pull request to make the error far clearer here:
Regardless, you need to make sure the DB settings are correct in all files, including /opt/kaltura/dwh/.kettle/ which is where analytics takes it from.
Make sure you can do this from the shell as well:
mysql -uetl -p$DWH_PASS kalturadw
Where DWH_PASS is what you have set as password in /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/db.ini and /opt/kaltura/dwh/.kettle/
You should also be seeing ALL these DBS:
| kaltura |
| kalturadw |
| kalturadw_bisources |
| kalturadw_ds |
| kalturalog |
Where ‘kaltura’ is the operational one and the rest are for analytics.