Katura player kwidget loads video correctely but not playing, progressbar is loading without the end

i am developping a webapp which consist of playing video from katura , platfform, after i am going to load the link on ios webview.

    <div id="myEmbedTarget" style="width:400px;height:330px;"></div>
    <!-- Substitute {partnerId} for your Kaltura partner id, {uiConfId} for an actual player id, also known as the uiconf id and {entryId} for an actual entry id. -->
    <script src="http://vod.adicis.cd/p/102/sp/10200/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/23448125/partner_id/102"></script>
                      'targetId': 'myEmbedTarget',
                      'wid': '_102',
                      'uiconf_id' : '23448125',
                      'entry_id' : '0_rgexe9cj',
                      'flashvars':{ // flashvars allows you to set runtime uiVar configuration overrides.
                      'autoPlay': false,
                      'LeadWithHLSOnFlash': true,
                      'Kaltura.LeadHLSOnAndroid': true
                      'params':{ // params allows you to set flash embed params such as wmode, allowFullScreen etc
                      'wmode': 'transparent'


the video load well but when i click on play it is turning but not playing i try with pc browsers but not playing it is only play on android webview

Hello @EphremYems,

Your problem is the requests for index.m3u8 fail. The request looks like this:


However vod.adicis.cd does not answer on port 88 TCP. Either open that port or change the Nginx configuration so that it uses a different port, one that IS open. You can do that by running:
# /opt/kaltura/bin/kaltura-nginx-config.sh
or, if using the deb packages, with:
# dpkg-reconfigure kaltura-nginx

thanks for your quick reaction, the problem is to open the port 88 ?
and my second which different port can i make Nginx to listen to?

Yes, like I said. you need to allow access over TCP on port 88 [and also 1935 in the event you intend to use RTMP for live streaming] or else reconfigure Ngnix to listen on alt ports and allow communication via these.

thanks working on it and come back to give the result

hi jess, i still have the same problem after alowing access to the port 88,

The sample embed from your original post works fine for me now.
Please provide a link to something that does not and I’ll gladly take a look.

hello jess: i was trying it in chrome Version 62.0.3202.62 (Official Build) (64-bit), it is loading but not playing , in firefox it is playing now; with safari Version 10.1 (12603. it is playing now and when i loaded in IOS webview it is playing but the problem it is taking many minutes for starting and when it’s stop for loading in the buffer; taking much time: new link that i am testing is below

    <div id="myEmbedTarget" style="width:400px;height:330px;"></div>
    <!-- Substitute {partnerId} for your Kaltura partner id, {uiConfId} for an actual player id, also known as the uiconf id and {entryId} for an actual entry id. -->
    <script src="http://vod.adicis.cd:88/p/102/sp/10200/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/23448125/partner_id/102"></script>
                      'targetId': 'myEmbedTarget',
                      'wid': '_102',
                      'uiconf_id' : '23448125',
                      'entry_id' : '0_s1i9ck1l',
                      'flashvars':{ // flashvars allows you to set runtime uiVar configuration overrides.
                      'autoPlay': false,
                      'LeadWithHLSOnFlash': true,
                      'Kaltura.LeadHLSOnAndroid': true
                      'params':{ // params allows you to set flash embed params such as wmode, allowFullScreen etc  0_s1i9ck1l   0_t8yzoyud
                      'wmode': 'transparent'

Hi @EphremYems,

The embed code you attached works for me from both Firefox [56.0] and Chromium [61.0.3163.100-0].

If you embed this in a page served over HTTPs though, the browser will block the stream due to “Mixed content” because you use http://vod.adicis.cd:88.
If that’s your issue, you will be able to see that by opening your browser’s dev tools and looking under the “Console” tab.
In which case, you should configure both Nginx and Apache to use SSL or use a load balancer with SSL offloading.

At any rate, regardless of whether or not “mixed” content is your current issue, open the browser’s dev tools and look for errors under both the “Console” and “Network” tab. If you don’t see something obvious, please share a link to a page where you used this embed code and I’ll take a look.

hi jess sorry for replying late , Now it is working in all browsers. the problem was not a mixed content, the page that i embed my player was a simple page in my local computer

after opening the console as you said in your previous answer, in safari and firefox i did not find any erros. but when i opened chrome i found error below:

fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
index.html:93 Slow network is detected. Fallback font will be used while loading: http://vod.adicis.cd/html5/html5lib/v2.57//skins/kdark/fonts/icomoon.ttf?2017-06-01T14:45:00Z
index.html:1 Not allowed to load local resource: blob:null/e469c1a6-b32d-40a1-b7be-ed43b97768b3
index.html:1 Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to load because no supported source was found.
load.php?Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The element has no supported sources.

i understood some components were not loading well . than i upload my simple test page in the server side, this is the link http://media.adicis.cd/dov/mobile752017/test.html than no error was found it plays well in chrome too.

Now After analazing, i noticed in chrome and firefox when you click it does not take more than 30 second for starting playing. but in safari it may take 2 or 4 sometime 5 min before starting but there is no error

Now as it is playing in all browsers it allows me to go a head in my project.
thanks very much jess