Kaltura upgrade (paid)

We want to upgrade our existing Kaltura from 11.14.0 to the latest open-source version with upgrading also MySQL 5.1.73 to the latest supported version.

  • It’s a live system, so the upgrade shall be done on different servers. We prefer the first installation on empty servers (different server per role) and migration of data to the new installation
  • Installation on CentOS
  • Links, delivery profiles, entry_ids, flavor_ids, player_ids, etc. should not be changed. It’s a real migration by keeping ids.
  • New Kaltura installations shall be dockerized on VPS.
  • Empty DB will be provided, no need to install a new DB (MySQL latest version)
  • DB size is 105 GB
  • Shall be completed ASAP
  • Files are 2.8 TB
  • No regression problems on any module of Kaltura including analytics, reports
  • Budget is to be discussed regarding proposals.