Kaltura CE Serving from Amazon Cloudfront

Hello Community,

i know, this theme has been often discussed here, but we have problems to deliver VOD from Amazon CloudFront.


  • Amazon CloudFront with a s3-bucket as origin. Files in the bucket are public readable. The delivery method of Cloudfront is ‘Web’.

  • One active remote storage profile. That works fine. Flavors are delivered to S3 storage (mp4 files) and deleted on local host.

  • Four active delivery profile (http and apple_http).

  • In the remote storage profile, the delivery profiles has been selected under delivery details.

The Problems:
In the new management console we get:
On click on a video:
–> 404 not found
Press play on a video:
–> 404 not found

And of cause, the video is not shown.

After studying all cases here we still need help of the community.

Following the instructions in

here are the results of the delivery profile query:

MySQL [kaltura]> select partner_id,status,id,name,url,host_name,streamer_type from delivery_profile;
| partner_id | status | id | name | url | host_name | streamer_type |
| 0 | 0 | 1 | Default HTTP Delivery Profile | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:80 | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | applehttp |
| 0 | 0 | 2 | Default HTTP Delivery Profile | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:80 | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | http |
| 0 | 0 | 3 | Default HLS Live Delivery Profile | NULL | NULL | applehttp |
| 0 | 0 | 4 | Default HLS Network Live Delivery Profile | NULL | NULL | hls |
| 0 | 0 | 5 | Default HLS To Multicast Live Delivery Profile | NULL | NULL | applehttp_to_mc |
| 0 | 0 | 301 | Default MPEG-DASH Live Delivery Profile | NULL | NULL | mpegdash |
| 0 | 0 | 302 | Default HD Network Live Delivery Profile | NULL | NULL | hdnetworkmanifest |
| 0 | 0 | 303 | Default HDS Live Delivery Profile | NULL | NULL | hds |
| 0 | 0 | 304 | Kaltura Live Packager Dash segmentation | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:88/live/dash | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | mpegdash |
| 0 | 0 | 305 | Kaltura Live Packager HDS segmentation | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:88/live/hds | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | hds |
| 0 | 0 | 306 | Kaltura Live Packager HLS segmentation | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:88/live/hls | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | applehttp |
| 0 | 0 | 307 | Kaltura Live Packager MSS segmentation | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:88/live/mss | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | sl |
| 0 | 0 | 308 | Default RTMP Live Delivery Profile | NULL | NULL | rtmp |
| 0 | 0 | 1001 | Kaltura HLS segmentation | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:88/hls | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | applehttp |
| 0 | 0 | 1002 | Kaltura HDS segmentation | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:88/hds | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | hdnetworkmanifest |
| 0 | 0 | 1003 | Kaltura DASH segmentation | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx:88/dash | server.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | mpegdash |
| 105 | 0 | 1004 | CDN-Test http, apple-http, http | http://content.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx/kaltura/test | content.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | applehttp |
| 105 | 0 | 1005 | CDN-Test http, http, http | http://content.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx/kaltura/test | content.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | http |
| 105 | 0 | 1006 | CDN-Test apple-http, apple-http, http | http://content.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx/kaltura/test | content.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | applehttp |
| 105 | 0 | 1007 | CDN-Test apple-http, http, http | http://content.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx/kaltura/test | content.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx | http |

As you can see, we tested a lot of things on partner 105.

But unlikely the case above, we habe problems to get the manifest.

Ahaaaaa, interristing:

2019-04-15 15:40:26 [0.000882] [] [1754446096] [65] [API] [kContextDataHelper->selectDeliveryTypeForAuto] ERR: exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘At least one non auto delivery type must be specified’ in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:88
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/kContextDataHelper.php(458): KalturaLog::err(‘At least one no…’)

2019-04-15 15:40:31 [0.000777] [] [602645797] [31] [PS2] [KalturaStatement->execute] DEBUG: Sql took - 0.0006859302520752 seconds
2019-04-15 15:40:31 [0.004186] [] [602645797] [32] [PS2] [DeliveryProfilePeer::getRemoteDeliveryByStorageId] ERR: exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Delivery ID can’t be determined for storageId [2] ( PartnerId [105] ) streamer type [applehttp] and media protocol [http]’ in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:88
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/lib/model/DeliveryProfilePeer.php(485): KalturaLog::err(‘Delivery ID can…’)

#18 {main}
2019-04-15 15:40:31 [0.000124] [] [602645797] [33] [PS2] [KExternalErrors::dieError] ERR: exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘exiting on error 25 - wrong query attributes, This format is unsupported’ in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:88
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/KExternalErrors.class.php(136): KalturaLog::err(‘exiting on erro…’)

2019-04-15 15:40:31 [0.000742] [] [459179342] [31] [PS2] [KalturaStatement->execute] DEBUG: Sql took - 0.00064992904663086 seconds
2019-04-15 15:40:31 [0.000721] [] [459179342] [32] [PS2] [DeliveryProfilePeer::getRemoteDeliveryByStorageId] ERR: exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘Delivery ID can’t be determined for storageId [2] ( PartnerId [105] ) streamer type [applehttp] and media protocol [http]’ in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:88
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/lib/model/DeliveryProfilePeer.php(485): KalturaLog::err(‘Delivery ID can…’)

#18 {main}
2019-04-15 15:40:31 [0.000116] [] [459179342] [33] [PS2] [KExternalErrors::dieError] ERR: exception ‘Exception’ with message ‘exiting on error 25 - wrong query attributes, This format is unsupported’ in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:88
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/KExternalErrors.class.php(136): KalturaLog::err(‘exiting on erro…’)

investigation in progress…

It seems to be the same case here:

Yes, that was it. Thanks to @michael_hall.