Kaltura-batch permissions

After upgrading to 14.7 and 14.8, I definitely lost some batch permissions.

My drop folders and batch uploads stopped working because the batch process is not allowed to access the acls because of this kind of errors:

  • Log file is not ready: Error: The access to service [accessControl->list] is forbidden

Is there a way to restore the permissions tables or attributes without affecting the production servers ?
Can it be done via the api console ?

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

David Eusse

Hi @david.eusse,

Have you confirmed that when trying to make the accessControl->list() request manually [passing a KS that belongs to the same partner] the same response is returned [forbidden]?

In terms of how the permission mechanism works, please see my post here:

Following that, you will be able to understand the relations between the different permission tables.
The original question was about the partner->register() action; you should use this query as a starting point instead:

mysql> select * from permission_item where param_1='accesscontrol' and param_2='list'\G


Hello Jess,

After checking my tables and comparing to my dev server where it works (same setup), I noticed that this permission was not present:

| 45 | PARTNER_-1_GROUP_*_PERMISSION | Partner -1 permission for group * | Partner -1 permission for group * |

After inserting it this is what I get but still doesn’t work:

MariaDB [kaltura]> select id,name,friendly_name, description from permission where id in (121,222,45);
| id | name | friendly_name | description |
| 45 | PARTNER_-1_GROUP_*_PERMISSION | Partner -1 permission for group * | Partner -1 permission for group * |
| 121 | ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE | Access control profiles access | |
| 222 | KMC_READ_ONLY | KMC read only access | |

Where else do I need to look or do I need to clean any cache ?

It’s weird that ACCES_CONTROL_BASE is present.

Thanks again for any tips,


Hello Jess,

I checked through the test console and noticed that partner -1 (batch) is not allowed to list the access controls. However, he can list other attributes like categories. Nor can partners 0 and -2.

I suppose partner -1 is the one that needs to have these permissions granted. Am I right ?



FIxed !!

One additional permission was needed. In case anyone else gets into the same problem: These are the permissions for the batch services:

MariaDB [kaltura]> select id,name,friendly_name, description from permission where id in (121,222,181,143);
| id | name | friendly_name | description |
| 121 | ACCESS_CONTROL_BASE | Access control profiles access | |
| 143 | ALWAYS_ALLOWED_FROM_INTERNAL_IP_ACTIONS | No session permission internal | Permission without session from internal servers |
| 181 | CONTENT_MANAGE_DISTRIBUTION_SEND | Distribution submit | |
| 222 | KMC_READ_ONLY | KMC read only access | |

