Kaltura-base configuration enter timezone hangs

I am trying to intall the kaltura (release 11.21) all in 1 and the installation process hangs during the kaltura-base configuration when I got asked to enter the Time Zone. If I enter my zone (Europe/Zurich) or anything else the input question field pops up again and again… Has anyone an idea what causes this issue or how to solve it?


Europe/Zurich is indeed a valid time zone, the installation uses to following snippet to determine that:

php -r "if (timezone_open('Europe/Zurich') === false){exit(1);}echo 'good';"

When I run it manually in the shell, I get the output “good”, what’s the output you get when doing so manually?
Also, are you using deb or RPM for the install?

Hi jess

I am using deb.
Thank you I’ve found the problem was a broken symbolic link in /etc/alternatives/php to /opt/kaltura/bin/php7
probably from a previous try to install kaltura.
I fixed it to link it to the ordinary php5. (I dont want to use the kaltura php7)

But now if got other issues
It seems to me there are 2 different kmc console?
If I log in through the admin console it leads me to an URL like
(where the Studio tab is blank)

and If i log into through

It leads me to an URL
and it looks quite different to the previous one with different tabs which all appears blank

Thank you

Hi Roger,

The right link should be your-domain/index.php/kmc/kmc4#studio|universal_studio

There was a bug I just fixed here:

Edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/kaltura-front.postinst, find the line that reads:

if [ -r "$BASE_DIR/apps/studio/$STUDIO_VER/studio.ini" ];then

change it to:

if [ -r "$BASE_DIR/apps/studio/$HTML5_STUDIO_VER/studio.ini" ];then

and then run:

# dpkg-reconfigure kaltura-front 

Should sort it.

Hi Jess
Great! Thank you

Now my Kaltura installation works with this change like expected.

best reagrds

Great. Glad we’re good.