Kaltura Analytics Problem


We have problem with kaltura analytics on version 16

OS version: centos 7
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 5.5.68-MariaDB

We have no erorrs in /opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/
And we have no problems in MYSQL tables,

MariaDB [(none)]> select * from kalturadw_ds.locks ;
| lock_id | lock_name                      | lock_time           | lock_state |
|       1 | daily_lock                     | 2021-08-24 12:59:05 |          0 |
|       2 | retention_lock                 | 2021-08-24 12:30:04 |          0 |
|       3 | hourly_kaltura.interhost.co.il | 2021-08-24 13:00:06 |          0 |
|       4 | update_dims_lock               | 2021-08-24 13:00:07 |          0 |

MariaDB [(none)]> select * from kalturadw_ds.files where insert_time >=20210824;
| file_id | file_name                                                      | file_status | prev_status | insert_time         | run_time | transfer_time | lines | err_lines | file_size_kb | process_id | cycle_id | compression_suffix | subdir |
|      42 | kaltura.interhost.co.il-kaltura_apache_access.log-20210824-03  | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2021-08-24 04:00:06 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |          339 |          1 |        5 | gz                 |        |
|      43 | kkaltura.interhost.co.il-kaltura_apache_access.log-20210823-03 | IN_CYCLE    | NULL        | 2021-08-24 11:34:50 | NULL     | NULL          |  NULL |      NULL |         5452 |          1 |        6 |                    |        |

ariaDB [(none)]> select * from kalturadw.dwh_fact_events where event_date_id >=20210823;
| file_id | event_id | event_type_id | client_version | event_time          | event_date_id | event_hour_id | session_id                           | partner_id | entry_id   | unique_viewer | widget_id | ui_conf_id | uid  | current_point | duration | user_ip        | user_ip_number | country_id | location_id | process_duration | control_id | seek | new_point | domain_id | entry_media_type_id | entry_partner_id | referrer_id | os_id | browser_id | context_id | user_id | application_id |
|      38 |      149 |             2 | 2.85           | 2021-08-23 14:31:00 |      20210823 |            14 | 9f64a6d1-f37d-32f4-dc37-22b9d087bb32 |        102 | 0_tyahhlsz |               | _102      |   23448172 |      |             0 |      289 | |     3105017250 |        198 |         198 |                0 | -1         |    0 |        -1 |         4 |                  -1 |               -1 |          35 |    11 |          3 |         -1 |      -1 |              0 |

We used this link to troubleshoot

But there is still no Views/Plays counts in KCM.

Can anyone help?

The issue was resolved.