IOs Overlay and Midroll support


I’ve been helping a new customer with his ad campaign and setup an HTML5 player with preroll, midrolls and overlay support calling two DFP URLs.

I checked the DoubleClick plugin and added the Preroll URLs and track cuepoints under VAST trafficking.

I setup the VAST cuepoints for overlay and midrolls for the entry and everything works except for IOs (Iphone, Ipad).

When the entry reaches the cuepoints, not only the ads don’t play but the video does not resume and restarts from the beginning.

I have checked under all other platforms (Mac, Win, Android) and it works fine.

Is there a way to correct or bypass this problem ? Is it possible to tell the player to ignore the cuepoints for a certain user agent?

I am running the latest versions (kaltura-html5lib-v2.55.2, kaltura-server-12.14).

Thanks in advance for any help,

David Eusse