HTML5 player error on webkit (apple)

Using the Kaltura HTML5 Library v2.41 player in a web browser based on webkit(every apple product) some times the player doesn’t load and the spinner keeps loading something. The error is clearly visible inside this link.

Selecting some of the videos in the list in the side of the player and one of them randomly stops at the spinner, this only happens in ios products or safari, what can I do for restar the player in this cases?

The html 5 player is the last version available.


Maybe you can solve reading this:

I’ ver read the post they solve the problem with the Kaltura.UseAppleAdaptive=false variable no luck here…


using Kaltura.UseAppleAdaptive=false variable you can configure Kaltura player to do not use HLS delivery, so probably an mp4 flavor could be delivered by the player. In this way Kaltura don’t use the nginx-vod module, that produces a segmentation on the fly of the video files in order to obtain a HTTP HLS.

I know that is not the best option, but on the other hand from your sample it seems you are using a Kaltura Saas (or a trial version), so if you prefer use HTTP HLS, in my humble opinion, maybe the better way is send a support request to Kaltura Support.

No luck with Kaltura support either, they can’t figured it out, the problem seems to be related to the load of the player over the webkit browser engine, in some occasions.


Thanks for your informatioan.
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