How to recover my original username?

Hello, I was registered to the forums as "aquileasfx"
now that I recovered my password, my account is generated as “aquileasfx1”

I’m sure I’m the owner oh “aquileasfx” how can I use that here in the forums
instead of “aquileasfx1”?

I know this is silly, but I believe its important we identify ourselfs.

Thank you


I actually don’t think its silly at all:)
The reason this happened is because during our migration from Vanilla forums to Discourse, we had to import the users and posts to the Discourse DB first and then create a customized authentication against the original DB we have in When you login to Discourse using the original user, it sees it already has a local user by that name [from when we added it to import the data] and adds the ‘1’ suffix to it.
We intend to move to using SSO against various provides such as Github, LinkedIn, Google and others shortly and then you’ll be able to use one of these accounts to sign in.
