How can we help Kaltura CE?

As many of us know, Kaltura CE is struggling and many of us depend on it. Jess does not work for Kaltura anymore.

We understand that Kaltura Corp is also fighting for survival and maybe helping the FOSS community is not on their priorities.

Since my company has been using Kaltura CE for very specific high traffic and specialized scenarios for which Commercial Kaltura would not serve well of our customers, I believe that we can help each other in order to have a brighter future for the platform.
So, my question is:
Is there something we can do as a community for working on these issues ?
Maybe some of us in this community can help keeping Kaltura CE alive ?

We’l be glad to contribute with our knowledge and some how limited resources to the future of Kaltura CE and the derivative commercial platform as well.

If someone agrees with my message, I think we will find a way forward for all of us.

Best regards,

David Eusse

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