ERR: exception ‘KalturaAPIException’ with message ‘Invalid KS [YzhlYTRjNjUxNTk2M2FlOTYzOGEzN2JjZjhkZGE0YjBiOWZlZjQzZXwtMTs7MTQ2MTgyMzQ0MjsyOzE0NTkyMzE0NDIuNDQ1O2JhdGNoVXNlcjs7LTE7]. Error [-1,INVALID_STR]’ in /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/kCurrentContext.class.php.
The set up created is a kind of back up of another server. These are the steps :-
1.Installed kaltura on server.
2.Took sql dump of another server which has running kaltura server.
3.Imported sql dump to the new server.
4.Copied /opt/kaltura/app/configuration and /opt/kaltura/web folder to the new server.
5.After server restart , i am able to login to the server but it gives an error message
"Error when trying to access account usage data".
Is the old server and the new one of the same Kaltura version?
If not, it should be:) if it is, try:
# find /opt/kaltura/app/cache -type f -exec rm {} ;
Then run:
# kaltlog
in parallel to attempting to login and look at the errors.
is the secret in /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/batch/batch.ini correct?
Should be the same as returned from:
mysql>select admin_secret from partner where id=-1;
if it is not, then that is the problem but I wonder what else in your ENV might be off and suggest you re-run the configure scripts.
Encountered another problem. No directory named batch is available in the /opt/kaltura/app/configurations directory. Something is different in my version. Please provide path for all the configure scripts required to be executed.
If there is no batch directory then the install is completely corrupted.
You did not mention which Linux distro you’re working on but for both, /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/batch is part of the kaltura-base package: