Dynamic change of caption size

On YouTube the captions size increases dynamically when you enlarge the screen (for instance entering full screen) but I can’t see anyway of achieving this with Kaltura. The only setting I have found is in the KMC Studio, adjusting the player’s caption size. But that number becomes a static number and the end user has to figure out that there is an option where you can change the size. But even then the size becomes to small to be practical (max size: 24) when used in a classroom from a projector.

Have I missed a setting or is YouTube just better at this?


We have a fix for the issue here:

Which will be included in the next kaltura-html5lib release [v2.48].
If the matter is urgent, you can manually patch the current version you have under /opt/kaltura/web/html5/html5lib/v2.47/

Thanks for reporting,

Great… Thanks for the fix! I’ll try that out!