I have Kaltura CE 15.20.0 installed on CentOS 7 and MariaDB 5.5.64 .
Everything seems to work except analytics.
the error log showing in /opt/kaltura/dwh/setup/installation_log.log
on last line:
now executing /opt/kaltura/dwh/ddl//dw//maintenance/populate_table_partitions.sql
ERROR 1499 (HY000) at line 1: Too many partitions (including subpartitions) were defined
Error - bailing out!
I running bellow command :
select table_name, count(1) from information_schema.partitions where table_name like ‘dwh_fact_%’ group by table_name;
Im having this exact issue on a fresh install, new server. I followed the instructions Jess gave in this thread to try to solve the issue: DWH Issue on Retention Policy
The result is that my “dwh_fact_events” went from “1024” to “1023”.
Since the configuration stopped at “now executing /opt/kaltura/dwh/ddl//dw//maintenance/populate_table_partitions.sql”,
im assuming that im missing data in the database. How can I restart the process?
I have tried dpkg-reconfigure kaltura-dwh, and the result was:
“The Kaltura DWH DB seems to already be installed.
DB creation will be skipped.
DWH configured.”
Should I DROP the entire kalturadw database and rerun the reconfiguration (dpkg-reconfigure kaltura-dwh)?
Why did my fresh database (Percona) fill upp with so many events? (I’m not a expert and I dont know what those are).
and replace the partition data there, the first value, for example: p_20170430
must be replaced with the last day of the previous month, for example: p_20201031
then the second value must be the first day of the current month, for example: 20201101
it should look like this:
(PARTITION p_20201031 VALUES LESS THAN (20201101) ENGINE = INNODB) */;
you could create a script to replace all incidences automatically, after that, clean the DWH databases and run the DWH configuration again,
please note that I don’t know the technical details about this or if is the optimal solution or not, but at least it lets you install the DWH correctly and start getting play counts.