Does the KMC, KAF, or Mediaspace search support excluding terms?

We’ve had our content migrated from our previous video/LC platform to Kaltura. All content was imported with a specific tag, and if that user existed in our old system, the content was assigned to them in Kaltura as the owner.

In the previous system, these were organized into a folder structure (making them easier to hide). With the tags taxonomy and flat structure, I have a user that had about 500 videos show up in his My Media. We are wondering if there is a way to search for content by excluding a tag. Like “-Imported” or something, that will search for all, EXCEPT that tag?

I mentioned he could add a default tag to all new content as a workaround. (or of course use tags like they are supposed to be used)

Hello @choachy,

. We are wondering if there is a way to search for content by excluding a tag. Like “-Imported” or something, that will search for all, EXCEPT that tag?

That’s easy to do programmatically, but is not, at present, available from the different web interfaces.
However, if the purpose is to fetch only entries that were not imported as part of the migration, but rather, created afterwards, you can, in both KMS and KMC, filter based on the creation date. Another option is for the user to create private categories (or channels in KMS terminology) and associate their entries with them. They would then be able to filter using that criterion. I say private since I’m under the assumption you do not necessarily want these entries to be available to anyone but the user in question (content entitlement is determined based on the category association. See