Hi all,
I know this topic has been discussed a couple of times. I have read them all and still got stucked so I hope someone can help me with this.
My problem:
- I cannot get the player to play my video through CloudFront which Kaltura uploads to S3 successfully. My best guess is my set up of delivery profile is not correct. I dont get multiple delivery profiles if I need to set up Specific Publisher Delivery Profile
In general:
- Set up S3 public: Done. I can upload and play S3 files anonymously
- Set up CloudFront: Done. I can access to S3 files through CloudFront anonymously
- Set up Remote Storage Profie: Done. My files appear in S3
- Set up Nginx VOD Conf: done
- Set up delivery profile: ISSUE - Everything is in HTTP: done
In terms of troubleshooting:
1. different delivery profiles.
I was not sure what needs to be here. My url when playing is BASE_SERVER_URL/p/102/sp/10200/playManifest/entryId/…/format/applehttp/protocol/https/. I have tried multiple profiles, and each has a different issue
2. Kaltlog errors: It seems to see the delivery profile
/opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_prod.log:2021-07-18 10:59:50 [0.001189] [] [597510523] [58] [PS2] [KExternalErrors::dieError] ERR: Exception: exiting on error 11 - processing capture thumbnail in /opt/kaltura/app/infra/log/KalturaLog.php:88
3. Mysql delivery profile
4. Networking tab to see what happens (Delivery profile with Type: Apple_HTTP and Streamer Type: Apple_HTTP
Request URL:
1. jQuery1111047502538664199134_1626608993093({entryId: "0_spslyh5a", duration: 30, baseUrl: "",…})
1. baseUrl: ""
2. duration: 30
3. entryId: "0_spslyh5a"
4. flavors: [{url: "CF.cloudfront.net/content/entry/data/0/0/0_spslyh5a_0_zxdm0yr0_2.mp4",…},…]
1. 0: {url: "CF.cloudfront.net/content/entry/data/0/0/0_spslyh5a_0_zxdm0yr0_2.mp4",…}
2. 1: {url: "CF.cloudfront.net/content/entry/data/0/0/0_spslyh5a_0_ygsdncew_2.mp4",…}
Request Again
Request URL:
5. Nginx conf
I have followed the instruction here: https://github.com/kaltura/platform-install-packages/blob/Propus-16.14.0/doc/kaltura_s3_cf_integration.md