Can't use KMC>Studio


I installed Kaltura CE 12.0.0 on CentOS7 server.
I can upload videos by KMC console and play them at preview page.
But ‘Studio’ tab does not show anything.

When open the studio console(index.php/kmc/kmc4#studio|universal_studio), i got some logs below

Web browser console:

VM3134 main.min.js:2 GET http://xxxxx/html5/html5lib//mwEmbedLoader.php


[Mon Sep 05 18:58:57.884277 2016] [:error] [pid 31818] [client] script ‘/opt/kaltura/web/html5/html5lib/mwEmbedLoader.php’ not found or unable to stat, referer: http://xxxxx/apps/studio/v2.0.6/index.html

then, I found ‘html5_version’ setting and set nothing in app/configurations/local.ini .
html5_version =
so change this to
html5_version = v2.46
but studio did not working.

How can I use studio?


What does /opt/kaltura/apps/studio/v2.0.6/studio.ini look like?
Need to make sure both html5_version and html5lib include the correct version for HTML5, like so: = '{"version":"v2.0.6", "name":"Video Studio V2", "tags":"studio_v2", "html5_version":"v2.46", "html5lib":"//YOUR_KALTURA_HOST/html5/html5lib/v2.46/mwEmbedLoader.php", "default_entryID":"@DEF_ENTRY@", "defaultLocale":"en_US", "defaultPlayerConfig":[]}'

After you made sure of that, use the following to recreate the proper UI conf configuration:

# php /opt/kaltura/app/deployment/uiconf/deploy_v2.php --ini=/opt/kaltura/apps/studio/v2.0.6/studio.ini 

Do that and Studio works well!
thank you.