I would like to ask for help with enabling chromecast for the iOS native kaltura player.
I tried to use the “PlayKitGoogleCast” pod with “PlayKit”, but whenever I fire a “pod update”, it downgrades some of my other, completely unrelated pods. I assume it’s because “PlayKitGoogleCast” is very old and causes some inconsistency in the dependency tree.
I’ve also tried to use “PlayKit/GoogleCastAddon” pod, but then the problem was that some code which was in your documentation wasn’t recognised.
So my first question is:
Which pod should I use if I want to enable chromecast support on ios?
My second question is:
Where can I find a proper documentation for integrating ios chromecast support in the kaltura player?
This: https://vpaas.kaltura.com/documentation/Mobile-Video-Player-SDKs/v3_iOS_Casting.html did not help, it’s just very outdated.