Cannot load universal studio

After following these instructions i get a 404 (/apps/studio/v2.2.1/vendor/vendor.min.js) when trying to load Universal Studio.

I’m not sure the installation is complete. I had to manually install php7.4-mbstring prior to the kaltura packages, since it would otherwise fail. Upload and conversion of entrys seems to work as expected though.

Hello @ArneWeise,

See my reply here:

ii kaltura-base 16.5.0-2+b1 all Kaltura Open Source Video Platform
ii kaltura-html5-studio 2.2.1-1+b1 all Kaltura Open Source Video Platform - frontend server

Browser console shows jQuery and angular is not defined, which all sees to be stemming from the 404 not found of the vendor.min.js

mine doesn’t work. i use docker in windows 7. I tried “dpkg -l kaltura-html5-studio” but no such command in docker. i get the same blank screen. its a clean installation with all tools installed


The docker container uses a CentOS image so the parallel of dpkg -l kaltura-html5-studio would be rpm -qi kaltura-html5-studio

so to make it work i sould use “rpm -qi kaltura-html5-studio”? But i get an error when i type it in. in this case i get to see the help message. the thing is im a copy cat a complete baby but im a fast learner. best is a example. all i need is for it to work and the rest is history.

I have the following installed,

#dpkg -l kaltura-base kaltura-html5-studio*

ii kaltura-base 16.5.0-2+b1 all Kaltura Open Source Video Platform
ii kaltura-html5-studio 2.2.1-1+b1 all Kaltura Open Source Video Platform - frontend server
ii kaltura-html5-studio3 3.5.0-1+b1 all Kaltura Open Source Video Platform - frontend server

bump Any news regarding this issue @jess? It will be really helpfull, since I’m stuck with the bundled player now.