According for documentation is correct, but it doesn’t work.
This is my full code:
"plugins": {
"topBarContainer": {
"plugin": true
"controlBarContainer": {
"plugin": true,
"hover": false
"scrubber": {
"plugin": true
"largePlayBtn": {
"plugin": true
"playHead": {
"plugin": true
"playPauseBtn": {
"plugin": true
"volumeControl": {
"showSlider": true,
"layout": "horizontal",
"pinVolumeBar": false,
"accessibleControls": false,
"accessibleVolumeChange": 0.1,
"plugin": true
"durationLabel": {
"plugin": true
"currentTimeLabel": {
"plugin": true
"keyboardShortcuts": {
"volumePercentChange": "0.1",
"shortSeekTime": "5",
"longSeekTime": "10",
"volumeUpKey": "38",
"volumeDownKey": "40",
"togglePlaybackKey": "32",
"shortSeekBackKey": "37",
"shortSeekForwardKey": "39",
"openFullscreenKey": "70",
"closeFullscreenkey": "27",
"gotoBeginingKey": "36",
"gotoEndKey": "35",
"longSeekForwardKey": "ctrl+39",
"longSeekBackKey": "ctrl+37",
"percentageSeekKeys": "49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57",
"plugin": true
"liveCore": {
"plugin": true
"liveStatus": {
"plugin": true
"liveBackBtn": {
"plugin": true
"fullScreenBtn": {
"plugin": true
"playersJsReceiver": {
"plugin": true
"uiVars": [
"key": "autoPlay",
"value": true,
"overrideFlashvar": false
"key": "autoMute",
"value": false,
"overrideFlashvar": false
"key": "enableTooltips",
"value": true,
"overrideFlashvar": false
"key": "adsOnReplay",
"value": true,
"overrideFlashvar": false
"key": "EmbedPlayer.EnableMobileSkin",
"value": true,
"overrideFlashvar": false
"layout": {
"skin": "kdark"
"flashvars": {
"avatar": {
"plugin": true,
"iframeHTML5Js": "path/js/js.js"
and my code from JS is very simple, is a just console.log.
I opened WEB CONSOLE, but don’t appear any error, but i think not working because the console.log don’t appear too.