Any harm in removing old logs from /opt/katlura/web/logs?

We’re preparing a migration and would like to do a bit of clean up. From what I understand about the dwh system, there should be no problem in deleting old logs that have already been processed from /opt/kaltura/web/logs, but I wanted to ask anyway.

So, could I be causing a problem by removing already processed logs from /opt/kaltura/web/logs?

Hi @david.hahn1 ,

Generally speaking, no, it’s fine to remove Apache access logs that were already processed. However, if you do so, you will naturally not be able to reprocess them (in the event of a DB crash for example).
Another scenario in which these may prove useful is the migration of data to another/third party system.

So, ultimately, up to you but if you can, I’d advise archiving these, rather than remove them.


Thanks for the reply, @jess . Much appreciated.

I will take a copy of the files for archive, just in case.

Thanks again --dave