Android Nativ Player Help

Hello All,

i been playing arround with the android sdk found it hard to understandf / implement .
i have tried these pages
i never understood how to do config ?
what sort of layout the player need ?
how to implement the player source ?
i have seen the github repo did not fidn new tutorial at all , i have tried implementing the entry embed code on webview did not find it effecient at all slow ,and could not get it to display in full screen so it looks like native player .
i need fullscreen android native player with captions and adaptive rate selector .
can any one provide me working up to date code /tutorial please ?

My name is Gilad Nadav from the android player team.

Inorder to start working I suggest you to work with SDK v3.3.4

And samples for referance

You can ping me on skype if you need some more info (gilad.nadav)
Anyway we do not work with webview any more

What is your partnerID


Thank you Gilad .

the V3.3.4 is good starting point ,other examples helpful too.
the issue is resolved .
Thank you Gilad :slight_smile: