Hi. When i run kaltura-run-dwh.sh the statistics do not update.
The logs show this
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_perform_retention_policy-20200826.log:ERROR 26-08 09:47:17,446 - Move old partitions to archive - An error occurred executing this job entry :
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_perform_retention_policy-20200826.log:ERROR 26-08 09:47:17,463 - Kitchen - Finished with errors
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_update_dims-20200826-09.log:ERROR 26-08 09:46:52,170 - Mapping with Field Input - Unexpected error
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_update_dims-20200826-09.log:ERROR 26-08 09:46:52,198 - Mapping with Field Input - org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException:
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_update_dims-20200826-09.log:ERROR 26-08 09:46:52,406 - iterate_sequences - Errors detected!
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_update_dims-20200826-09.log:ERROR 26-08 09:46:52,406 - iterate_sequences - Errors detected!
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_update_dims-20200826-10.log:ERROR 26-08 10:00:16,691 - Mapping with Field Input - Unexpected error
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_update_dims-20200826-10.log:ERROR 26-08 10:00:16,691 - Mapping with Field Input - org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleException:
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_update_dims-20200826-10.log:ERROR 26-08 10:00:16,872 - iterate_sequences - Errors detected!
/opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/etl_update_dims-20200826-10.log:ERROR 26-08 10:00:16,872 - iterate_sequences - Errors detected!
java -version
openjdk version “1.8.0_262”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_262-b10)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.262-b10, mixed mode)
MariaDB select version();
| version() |
| 5.5.65-MariaDB |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
You can try to run in BBDD (MariaDB) to see if it works for you:
CALL kalturadw.add_partitions();