Retrieve a single video

Im trying to get a single video using C#. Im using the following code but Im just getting 'EntryId Not found" errors

        KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
        client.SessionService.Start(AppSettings.AdminSecret, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, AppSettings.PartnerId, 86400, "");
        var test = client.MediaService.Get(videoId);

The ID is correct as its taken straight from Kaltura?

Still getting the same error with the last parameter removed.

[KalturaAPIException: Entry id “0_b4rb1k3y” not found]
Kaltura.KalturaClientBase.ThrowExceptionOnAPIError(XmlElement result) +306
Kaltura.KalturaClientBase.DoQueue() +3329
Kaltura.KalturaMediaService.Get(String entryId, Int32 version) +236
Kaltura.KalturaMediaService.Get(String entryId) +68

public static class SearchManager
    public static KalturaClient CreateClient()
        KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
        client.SessionService.Start(AppSettings.AdminSecret, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, AppSettings.PartnerId, 86400, "");
        client.KS = "{1:result}";
        // for the current multi request, the result of the first call will be used as the ks for next calls
        return client;

    private static KalturaConfiguration GetConfig()
        var config = new KalturaConfiguration(AppSettings.PartnerId)
            ServiceUrl = AppSettings.ServiceUrl
        return config;

    public static KalturaMediaListResponse Search(string searchText)
        //Create the connection
        KalturaClient client = CreateClient();

        //Add any search filters
        KalturaMediaEntryFilter filter = AddFilters(searchText);

        //Set the data paging
        CreatePaging(client, filter);

        KalturaMultiResponse response = client.DoMultiRequest();
        // in multi request, when there is an error, an exception is NOT thrown, so we should check manually
        if (response[1].GetType() == typeof(KalturaAPIException))
            // we can throw the exception if we want
            throw (KalturaAPIException)response[1];
        return (KalturaMediaListResponse)response[1];

    public static KalturaMediaEntry GetVideo(string videoId)
        //Create the connection
        KalturaClient client = new KalturaClient(GetConfig());
        client.SessionService.Start(AppSettings.AdminSecret, "", KalturaSessionType.ADMIN, AppSettings.PartnerId, 86400);
        var test = client.MediaService.Get(videoId);

        return test;

    private static void CreatePaging(KalturaClient client, KalturaMediaEntryFilter filter)
        var pager = new KalturaFilterPager { PageSize = AppSettings.PageSize };
        client.MediaService.List(filter, pager);

    private static KalturaMediaEntryFilter AddFilters(string searchText)
        KalturaMediaEntryFilter filter = new KalturaMediaEntryFilter
            OrderBy = KalturaMediaEntryOrderBy.CREATED_AT_DESC

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(searchText))
            filter.SearchTextMatchOr = searchText;
        return filter;


That is what the code was in the C# Api example. Im finding the documentation to be very limited. I may be wrong (and please correct me if I am) but there is not any docs on just getting started retrieving a video, or doing simple searches etc. So all I have to go by is the example code.

However, the method Im having trouble with is the GetVideo method which doesn’t use the client.KS call.

Appreciate the help on this.

Thats great thanks!

So the client doesn’t set its own session id when you start the service?