Error in ubuntu one-site install cron creation

I had a very similar base-level problem in repeated installs to what was reported in the Nothing In Top Content Analytics thread. It was immediately apparent because two lines in /etc/cron.d/kaltura-dwh failed every hour and sent me mail about it:

Cron kaltura@kalturafloor /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/ -k @KETTLE_SH@


Cron kaltura@kalturafloor /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/ -k @KETTLE_SH@

This post referred to at the bottom of this one pointed me to how to fix it, which I did by hand. At least the hourly cron executes are no longer failing.

Since I’m not sharp enough yet with Kaltura, I don’t know which module sets these up to enable me to find the install script and figure out why it is installing this way,. My mangled crontab entries weren’t exactly like jule’s but were quite similar.

I’m guessing I’m not the only one with this problem so figured I’d document it as its own issue.

Continuing the discussion from Nothing in Top Content Analytics:


The @KETTLE_SH@ is replaced as part of the kaltura-base.postinst.
The resulting file should look like this:
00 * * * * kaltura /opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/execute/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/
00 * * * * kaltura /opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/execute/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/
59 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * kaltura /opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/execute/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/
30 12 * * * kaltura /opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/execute/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/
0 10 * * * kaltura /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/scripts/dwh/ >> /opt/kaltura/log/cron.log

If it does and there are still issues, please look at:

and lets see what the exact problem is.