Enforcing Delivery Type

Hello All,
i have installed kaltura ce recently , i been humbing between documentations and web pages without luck figuring out how to get the adaptive rate url of content on many flavores , in other words i have an entry with multi flavores i need to be able to ge the “kaltura-vod-module” like url , a url like this :slight_smile:http://example.com/hls/videos/big_buck_bunny_,6,9,15,00k.mp4.urlset/master.m3u8
things i have tried too include Admin Consle > user > configure > delivery profile add new > result “{“mpegdash”:[1003]}” save , have tried other options like rtmp ,hds without luck , have tried checking unchecking the boxes of enforce delivery / delivery types …etc . have tried adding parameters to the player the new created one and the default one "HTTP Streaming(HDS)
Key: loadingPolicy
Value: preInitialize

Key: asyncInit
Value: true

Key: streamerType
Value: hdnetworkmanifest

Key: twoPhaseManifest
Value: true "
without luck as well.
KMC > entries > preview embed code > whatever player > i get only three options here
auto embed
dynamic embed
thumnail embed
ifram embed .

how can i get the multi url flavor of an entry please ?

Hi @s.u,

To get the manifest, you need to make these requests:


curl "https://test.kaltura.org/p/101/sp/10100/playManifest/entryId/0_lhj3gect/flavorIds/0_outwutw3,0_x1y6lg7n,0_na50xvjj/format/applehttp/protocol/https?responseFormat=jsonp&callback=jQuery111101762295451720639_1516018093007"


curl "https://test.kaltura.org/p/101/sp/10100/playManifest/entryId/0_lhj3gect/flavorIds/0_outwutw3,0_x1y6lg7n,0_na50xvjj/format/mpegdash/protocol/https?responseFormat=jsonp&callback=jQuery111101762295451720639_1516018093007"


curl "https://test.kaltura.org/p/101/sp/10100/playManifest/entryId/0_lhj3gect/flavorIds/0_outwutw3,0_x1y6lg7n,0_na50xvjj/format/hdnetwork/protocol/https?responseFormat=jsonp&callback=jQuery111101762295451720639_1516018093007

Of course, you need to replace the base URL, partner ID, entry ID and flavour IDs with your own. The above is an example from my ENV.
If your ENV is not running over HTTPs, replace protocol/https with protocol/http.

You can see the playManifest requests the player makes if you open your browser’s dev tools and go to the “Network” tab.

By default, the player requests an HLS [format/applehttp]. If you wish to use DASH instead, go to KMC->Studio->Your Player and set ‘Dash.plugin=true’

For more info about how the media delivery profiles work, see:


Hello @jess
Thank you for the reply , good info’s . so according to this api’s all the delivery types are enabled out of the box and we just need to api them .
instead of posting new subject i will ask here please .
i want to use external path as main storage for my media , say i used some drop folder to import a lot of media ,i need to imported media to be saved in some place other than the default in case of re install . how so?
i was playing with docker , i just want to ask do you advice using docker for production ,how stable it is ?

Hi @s.u,

You need to create remote storage and delivery profiles.
See my reply here:

And a more in depth explanation about how to change the default FS base structure for the remote volume here: