Unable to load Universal Studio


We have install a 10.5.0 KALTURA CE release on AMAZON.
All works great.

But we have a problem to access to the Universal Studio (white page)
When we see the console logs, we can see 404 errors for the HTMLVersion loading.

On the log file we see :
404 on http://OURDOMAIN/html5/html5lib//mwEmbedLoader.php

We can see two // where the version will normally be paste.

if we load in a separate browser we can find on the server :

Do you know why the URL is not good ? why the version seems to be lose into the loading URL ?

Many thanks for your help


Can you please make sure /opt/kaltura/apps/studio/rpm -qa kaltura-html5-studio --queryformat %{version}/studio.ini has the correct version for rpm -qa kaltura-html5lib?

Thank you,

Many thanks Jess.
Yes, we have control the version is the same in the studio.ini and into the server :confused:

Have you got any other idea ?


Check the output for:
# grep html5_version /opt/kaltura/app/configurations/local.ini

And also, try running:
# kaltura-sanity.sh
it might help to better diagnose the issue.


I use my second account to answer (sorry for that, unable to recover password)

We modified directly this file on the server and everything works.

We added ‘v2.27’ in ‘html5_version’ and ‘html5lib’
“version”:“v1.9.4”, “name”:“Video Studio V2”, “tags”:“studio_v2”, “html5_version”:“v2.27”, “html5lib”:"//ovpnova.net/html5/html5lib/v2.27/mwEmbedLoader.php", “default_entryID”:"@DEF_ENTRY@", “defaultLocale”:“en_US”, “defaultPlayerConfig”:[]

How this file is generated ? Why this “@HTML5_VER@” wasn’t replaced


I have the same problem

yesterday was all good,
now its like is not reading the studio.ini file

I see that, this only happens on secundary fronts
is like it search for kaltura-html5lib?

but secondary fronts does not need that!

so yes I did some tests and actually studio is looking for the kaltura-html5lib, and as secondary fronts does not need that, secondary nodes wont show universal studio

Hi Bryan,

Since kaltura-html5 is installed onto /opt/kaltura/web which is shared between front nodes, it should reach it.
kaltura-html5-studio however, is installed on the local drive under /opt/kaltura/apps and so, that does need to be installed on all front nodes.


We have follow this documentation https://github.com/kaltura/platform-install-packages/blob/master/doc/install-kaltura-deb-based.md#step-by-step-installation

We have the same problem problem with universal-studio tab which is not loading correctly.
We have this error :
GET http://kaltest.univ-amu.fr/html5/html5lib/v2.32/mwEmbedLoader.php 404 Not found

We have v2.32.1 in /opt/kaltura/web/html5/html5lib but not v2.32
We run a /kaltura-sanity.sh without error (only one on DWH cycle)

We try to do this : cp -pr v2.32.1 v2.32 : it don’t work :wink:

Thanks for your help



We found the issue

Set up and Configure Kaltura V2 Library
And modify 23/448/ui_conf_23448178__2.config.xml

It works fine
