Setup errors on my server with nginx already running

I am new to this I was trying to set the server up and I got theses errors I am not sure how to fix them


Error: Package: kaltura-ffmpeg-4.0.2-1.x86_64 (Kaltura)
Available: x265-libs-2.6-1.x86_64 (Kaltura)
Installed: x265-libs-2.9-3.el7.x86_64 (@rpmfusion-free-updates)
Available: x265-libs-1.2-6.el7.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
Available: x265-libs-1.6-1.el7.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
Available: x265-libs-1.9-1.el7.nux.x86_64 (nux-dextop)
Available: x265-libs-2.0-1.x86_64 (Kaltura)
Error: Package: kaltura-base-15.0.0-14.noarch (Kaltura-noarch)
Requires: php-xml
Error: Package: kaltura-front-15.0.0-1.noarch (Kaltura-noarch)
Requires: php-pecl-apc
You could try using --skip-broken to work around the problem
You could try running: rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest

Hello @lblanks240,

Have you enabled the EPEL repo?


yes I still get errors

yum-config-manager --enable rhui-REGION-rhel-server-extras rhui-REGION-rhel-server-optional
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
[root@server ~]# rpm -ihv
Preparing… ################################# [100%]
package epel-release-7-11.noarch is already installed

Hi @lblanks240,

According to your output the php-xml and php-pecl-apc packages could not be found in any of your enabled repos…

What distro are you using?
Again, according to the output in your first post, it’s either CentOS or RHEL 7 and in light of your last response, I’m guessing RHEL specifically (shouldn’t matter much but the two do have different repositories).

What’s the output for:

# cat /etc/redhat-release 

And what repos do you currently have enabled?

cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

I cannot find pecl or a way to install it

php71-php-xml Installed


  • Unaffected

A module for PHP applications which use XML

  • php71-php-xmlrpc


  • A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol

  • php72-php-xml Installed


  • Unaffected

A module for PHP applications which use XML

  • php72-php-xmlrpc


A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol

EA4 | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
cpanel-addons-production-feed | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
cpanel-plugins | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
Kaltura | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
Kaltura-noarch | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
adobe-linux-i386 | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
base | 3.6 kB 00:00:00
centosplus | 3.4 kB 00:00:00
epel | 5.3 kB 00:00:00
extras | 3.4 kB 00:00:00
nginx | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
nimble | 951 B 00:00:00
nux-dextop | 2.9 kB 00:00:00
remi-safe | 3.0 kB 00:00:00
rpmfusion-free-updates | 3.0 kB 00:00:00
updates | 3.4 kB 00:00:00
(1/18): cpanel-addons-production-feed/x86_64/primary_db | 28 kB 00:00:00
(2/18): cpanel-plugins/x86_64/primary_db | 119 kB 00:00:00
(3/18): Kaltura-noarch/7/primary_db | 99 kB 00:00:00
(4/18): Kaltura/7/x86_64/primary_db | 128 kB 00:00:00
(5/18): adobe-linux-i386/primary_db | 2.7 kB 00:00:00
(6/18): base/7/x86_64/group_gz | 166 kB 00:00:00
(7/18): centosplus/7/x86_64/primary_db | 2.6 MB 00:00:00
(8/18): base/7/x86_64/primary_db | 6.0 MB 00:00:00
(9/18): epel/x86_64/group_gz | 88 kB 00:00:00
(10/18): extras/7/x86_64/primary_db | 204 kB 00:00:00
(11/18): epel/x86_64/updateinfo | 978 kB 00:00:00
(12/18): EA4/7/x86_64/primary_db | 994 kB 00:00:00
(13/18): epel/x86_64/primary_db | 6.7 MB 00:00:00
(14/18): nginx/7/x86_64/primary_db | 46 kB 00:00:00
(15/18): rpmfusion-free-updates/x86_64/primary_db | 252 kB 00:00:00
(16/18): remi-safe/primary_db | 1.6 MB 00:00:00
(17/18): updates/7/x86_64/primary_db | 6.4 MB 00:00:00
(18/18): nux-dextop/x86_64/primary_db | 1.8 MB 00:00:01
nimble/x86_64/primary | 75 kB 00:00:00
nimble 537/537

I am not sure what to do I have fixed all of the errors but one I tried the solutions in previous posts and nothing seems to work. please help


[root@server ~]# yum install kaltura-server
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, universal-hooks
Determining fastest mirrors
epel/x86_64/metalink | 17 kB 00:00:00

If above article doesn’t help to resolve this issue please use

One of the configured repositories failed (Kaltura Server),
and yum doesn’t have enough cached data to continue. At this point the only
safe thing yum can do is fail. There are a few ways to work “fix” this:

 1. Contact the upstream for the repository and get them to fix the problem.

 2. Reconfigure the baseurl/etc. for the repository, to point to a working
    upstream. This is most often useful if you are using a newer
    distribution release than is supported by the repository (and the
    packages for the previous distribution release still work).

 3. Run the command with the repository temporarily disabled
        yum --disablerepo=Kaltura ...

 4. Disable the repository permanently, so yum won't use it by default. Yum
    will then just ignore the repository until you permanently enable it
    again or use --enablerepo for temporary usage:

        yum-config-manager --disable Kaltura
        subscription-manager repos --disable=Kaltura

 5. Configure the failing repository to be skipped, if it is unavailable.
    Note that yum will try to contact the repo. when it runs most commands,
    so will have to try and fail each time (and thus. yum will be be much
    slower). If it is a very temporary problem though, this is often a nice

        yum-config-manager --save --setopt=Kaltura.skip_if_unavailable=true

failure: repodata/repomd.xml from Kaltura: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. [Errno 14] HTTP Error 404 - Not Found
[root@server ~]#

[root@server ~]# curl -I -v

HEAD /releases/latest/RPMS/noarch/ropodata/repomd.xml HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: curl/7.29.0
Accept: /

< HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
< Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 16:46:26 GMT
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2019 16:46:26 GMT
< Server: Apache
Server: Apache
< Location:
< Connection: close
Connection: close
< Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1


  • Closing connection 0