'Receiving error There is a problem uploading this video at this time' and 'There is a net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR after doing an upload'

Hi we are receiving the error

‘Receiving error There is a problem uploading this video at this time’
See attached

‘There is a net::ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR after doing an upload’
any idea what’s causing this?

Any idea what’s causing these errrors? Firewalls?

Here is the error that occurs in the log

Hi @tkiker,

I never experienced this error myself but a quick Google search brings up many relevant results.
Have a look at:

If this does not help, I recommend you try a different browser to confirm the problem is specific to Chrome.

Try clearing the cache and restart the chrome. I always do this and it works every time. take a look at some more solutions: How To Fix Chrome’s ERR_SPDY_PROTOCOL_ERROR