Process to upload a video file to an existing Kaltura entry using the API


Please can someone confirm or tell me the API process for updating a previously uploaded video? As far as I can tell it should be:

  1. Create a Kaltura Session (KS) (service: session --> start)
  2. Update the video (service: baseEntry --> updateContent) with the following parameters:


  • KS e.g. ODcxMTgxNGMw…
  • entryId e.g. 0_fmbc4ecr
  • resource (the video file to upload)


  • conversionProfileId
  • advancedOptions

Is there anything I have missed in the above? As far as I can tell there doesn’t appear to be any instructions for this in the API guide like there is for uploading a video to a new entry here

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi James,

The API process is as follows:-

Step 1 - Create Session

API Service: session
API Action: start

Required Information :-
Kaltura Session Type (Admin)
Partner ID

Outcome: Session Code Created – Keep a note of this!

Step 2 - Request Upload Token

API Service: uploadToken
API Action: add

Required Information :-
Kaltura Session (string)

Outcome: Upload Token Created – Keep a note of this!

Step 3 - Associate the Upload Token with the File You want to Replace

API Service: baseEntry
API Action: updateContent
API Resource: KalturaUploadedFile TokenResource

Required Information :-
entryId (string)
uploadToken Id (string)

Outcome: New Entry ID is created

Step 4 - Upload the Replacement File

API Service: uploadToken
API Action: upload

Required Information :-
uploadToken Id (string)
Video File (Browse)

Outcome: Video Uploaded - Process Complete

Thanks very much. :slight_smile: It works for me in the test console so I’m implementing it using JavaScript.

Hi PIBelton,

I have followed the same above steps it looked like it worked in Test console But the base entry still holds the same video. kindly could you please help me on this.