Need to completely wipeout and reset Analytics DB

I have been updating Kaltura CE successfully from 9.x till 10.14 now.
But Analytics never worked. The graphs are always empty.
I tried everything posted on the forums and Github but it’s still not working.

At this stage, I think my best shot would be to completely wipeout Analytics and reinstall it, including the DB.

Do you have a procedure that can help me?


You can follow this:

Remember to backup the DB first, it states how.

But before you do so, what errors do you see in /opt/kaltura/dwh/logs?
Also, you can try to run the steps manually with:
rm /opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/*
logrotate -vvv -f /etc/logrotate.d/kaltura_apache
su kaltura -c “/opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/execute/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/”
su kaltura -c “/opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/execute/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/”
su kaltura -c “/opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/execute/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/”
su kaltura -c “/opt/kaltura/dwh/etlsource/execute/ -p /opt/kaltura/dwh -k /opt/kaltura/pentaho/pdi/”
su kaltura -c “/opt/kaltura/app/alpha/scripts/dwh/ >> /opt/kaltura/log/cron.log”

And check what’s failing.

Finally, here are some queries to run to check where it might fail:
check if a process lock is stuck:
mysql> select * from kalturadw_ds.locks ;
if lock_state says 1 for any of these, make sure you have no stuck dwh procs running, update it to read 0 and retry.

check if access files were processed:
mysql> select * from kalturadw_ds.files where insert_time >=20150706;
check if actual data about entries play and views was inserted:
mysql> select * from kalturadw.dwh_fact_events where event_date_id >=20150706 ;

Hi Jess,

Thanks for the help.
I completely reset the DB as per the instructions (I already had did that three months ago and it didn’t solve it). It’s still not showing any stats.

I also checked the locks, kalturadw_ds.files, kalturadw.dwh_fact_events and it’s populated.


Where are you looking for the stats?
Also, try running this from the shell:

Its a simple script that makes some calls to the report API, like the KMC does… Lets see what it returns.
Also, what about errors in /opt/kaltura/dwh/logs/?

I’m displaying the stats Through KMC.
The output is:
[root@backend1 tmp]# php ./dwh_stats.php 102 MGYzNWRjM2YwZDExOWRiNmNiZmY1OTEwZGFmMDY4MDFlNWJiNDY5YnwxMDI7MTAyOzE0MzcyOTkzMTQ7MjsxNDM3MjEyOTE0Ljk5MzU7YmF0c2F0QGJhdHNhdC5jb207ZGlzYWJsZWVudGl0bGVtZW50Ozs= “” “01 Jul 2015” "10 Jul 2015"
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘KalturaException’ with message ‘Error while starting session for partner [102]’ in /opt/kaltura/web/content/clientlibs/php5/KalturaClientBase.php:768
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/web/content/clientlibs/php5/KalturaClient.php(6599): KalturaClientBase->throwExceptionIfError(Array)
#1 /var/tmp/dwh_stats.php(18): KalturaSessionService->start(‘MGYzNWRjM2YwZDE…’, NULL, 2, ‘102’, NULL, NULL)
#2 {main}
thrown in /opt/kaltura/web/content/clientlibs/php5/KalturaClientBase.php on line 768
[root@backend1 tmp]# php ./dwh_stats.php 102 MGYzNWRjM2YwZDExOWRiNmNiZmY1OTEwZGFmMDY4MDFlNWJiNDY5YnwxMDI7MTAyOzE0MzcyOTkzMTQ7MjsxNDM3MjEyOTE0Ljk5MzU7YmF0c2F0QGJhdHNhdC5jb207ZGlzYWJsZWVudGl0bGVtZW50Ozs= “01 Jul 2015” "10 Jul 2015"
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘KalturaException’ with message ‘Error while starting session for partner [102]’ in /opt/kaltura/web/content/clientlibs/php5/KalturaClientBase.php:768
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/kaltura/web/content/clientlibs/php5/KalturaClient.php(6599): KalturaClientBase->throwExceptionIfError(Array)
#1 /var/tmp/dwh_stats.php(18): KalturaSessionService->start(‘MGYzNWRjM2YwZDE…’, NULL, 2, ‘102’, NULL, NULL)
#2 {main}
thrown in /opt/kaltura/web/content/clientlibs/php5/KalturaClientBase.php on line 768

As for the errors in /opt/kaltura/dwh/logs
./etl_daily-20150118.log:46:ERROR 18-01 00:59:06,413 - Run kjbVar job - Unable to open file appender for file [${LogPath}/log_${jobVar}.log] : org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleFileException:
./etl_daily-20150118.log:53:ERROR 18-01 00:59:06,413 - Run kjbVar job - org.pentaho.di.core.exception.KettleFileException:
./etl_daily-20150118.log:87:ERROR 18-01 00:59:06,415 - Abort job 1 - Aborting job.

2 issues here:
0. seems partner 102’s secret is wrong…
you need to pass the admin secret which you can find in KMC under ‘Settings->Integration Settings’ or with:
mysql> select admin_secret from partner where user=102;

The other issue is what’s in etl_daily-20150118.log open the file and look at the full error. If you’re not sure what it means, paste it here so I can take a look.


[root@backend1 tmp]# php ./dwh_stats.php 102 09e45bc31a45103317acad286669b0e8 “01 Jul 2015” "23 Jul 2015"
Getting TOP_CONTENT total info for 01 Jul 2015 - 23 Jul 2015…

object(KalturaReportTotal)#91 (3) {
string(89) “count_plays,sum_time_viewed,avg_time_viewed,count_loads,load_play_ratio,avg_view_drop_off”
string(5) “,”
Getting TOP_CONTENT graph info for 01 Jul 2015 - 23 Jul 2015…

array(0) {
Getting OPERATION_SYSTEM total info for 01 Jul 2015 - 23 Jul 2015…

object(KalturaReportTotal)#90 (3) {
string(89) “count_plays,sum_time_viewed,avg_time_viewed,count_loads,load_play_ratio,avg_view_drop_off”
string(5) “,”
Getting OPERATION_SYSTEM graph info for 01 Jul 2015 - 23 Jul 2015…

array(0) {


OK, so no stats…
