Level3 tokenisation

I am trying to enable the Level3 RTMP tokenisation, but get fatal errors when i do.

PHP Fatal error: Class ‘kDeliveryUtils’ not found in /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/storage/urlTokenizers/kLevel3UrlTokenizer.php on line 89

the file does exist…

more detail;


the delivery profile works well otherwise AND we are using remote storage (S3)


Can you please attach your code? Thanks,


i’m replying on behalf of joe above.

We are not using any custom code, we are just setting up a delivery profile of type ‘Level3_RTMP’ and enabling tokenization under “Tokenizer Configuration” .

The issue is that if you load the player the first time it will work and play. however if you try to play again it will say “media not found” and if you inspect network in chrome it shows an error 500 when trying to load the a.f4m

The logs file says:

==> /opt/kaltura/log/kaltura_apache_errors.log <==
[Wed Nov 19 16:34:47 2014] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error:  Class 'kDeliveryUtils' not found in /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/storage/urlTokenizers/kLevel3UrlTokenizer.php on line 89, referer: http://staging-aws.streamuk.com/index.php/extwidget/preview/partner_id/2000519/uiconf_id/23448134/entry_id/0_km2umjk6/embed/auto?&flashvars[streamerType]=rtmp&flashvars[mediaProtocol]=rtmp

The VERY unusual thing is that if you restart httpd on the server it will work but only once, then it will start giving error 500 again!