KCW for Canvas LMS

Hi @jess

KCW was load correctly on www.kaltura.com, but it could not load correctly on my self kaltura.
How can I resolve this problem?


Thanks in advance!

Hi @eemirtekinn,

When trying to load https://cdn.yasar.edu.tr/p/0/sp/0/flash/kcw/v2.2.4/ContributionWizard.swf, I see an attempt to load https://cdn.kaltura.com/p/0/sp/0/kpreloader/ui_conf_id/2
Not only is this wrong since in your self hosted ENV you shouldn’t have references to Kaltura SaaS resources, it would also not work because the CDN host for HTTPs requests is cdnapisec.kaltura.com and not cdn.kaltura.com which, if you try to load over SSL would result in a cert mismatch and thus a failure.

How was the 23448611 UI conf created? Did you manually create this DB record/object?
Start by running:

mysql> select * from ui_conf where id=23448611\G

and take a look at the file set in the conf_file_path [it’s relative to /opt/kaltura/web].
If you manually created it by taking confs from your SaaS partner, it would explain the situation. You should instead use the UI conf ID created when you deployed your self hosted ENV.

Hi @jess

Thanks for your quick reply.
I didn’t create manually this object.

MariaDB [kaltura]> select * from ui_conf where id=23448611\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
               id: 23448611
         obj_type: 2
       partner_id: 0
          subp_id: 0
   conf_file_path: /content/generatedUiConf/23/448/ui_conf_23448611__2.xml
             name: KCW import for KMC
            width: NULL
           height: NULL
      html_params: NULL
          swf_url: /flash/kcw/v2.2.4/ContributionWizard.swf
       created_at: 2016-11-24 14:36:57
       updated_at: 2016-11-24 14:36:57
        conf_vars: NULL
          use_cdn: 1
             tags: autodeploy, kmc_v5.40.3, kmc_uploadImport
      custom_data: a:1:{s:17:"conf_file_version";d:2;}
           status: 2
      description: NULL
display_in_search: 2
    creation_mode: 3
          version: NULL
        html5_url: NULL
     partner_tags: NULL
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Hi @eemirtekinn,

Yes, I see that UI conf is being deployed here:

I’m afraid that since we are in the process of obsoleting the Flash KMC and all its widgets, we no longer provide support for these apart from the critical ones necessary for KMC’s basic functions to work and this will only remain the case until KMCng [https://github.com/kaltura/KMCng] is ready for prime time.

Hopefully, sometime soon, we’ll have a Canvas integration that does not require the Flash widgets but I can’t commit to a date. Of course, if you wish to create your own integration, I’ll be glad to assist with API questions and review the code.