Kaltura CE KAF URL

Hello, I have now successfully set up a Kaltura CE instance on AWS. I am trying to find the KAF URL so that I can connect it to Moodle? Where can I find my URL?


KAF is only available if you use the Kaltura SaaS or the OnPremise edition.
Feel free to contact our sales team on http://www.kaltura.com for more info.


So there is no way to use the Moodle plugins using Kaltura CE?

Is there a recommended way to embed Responsive players in a HTML page otherwise? Dynamic and Auto do not appear to be Responsive.

Thank you so much for your help!

I have spoken with Sales and they had mentioned that they are not offering OnPremise any more. Our Kaltura and Moodle installations have to be deployed on our network for compliance purposes.

Is there any other way to integrate them? Is there any way to obtain KAF in a self-hosted environment?